Hi John!

On Mi, 22 Mai 2013, John Marriott wrote:

> Hi all,
> I apologise if this has already been covered elsewhere, but there is so much
> going on with the new regexp engine that I'm finding it difficult to keep up.
> I have all patches for 7.3 from 1 to 1000. Setting regexpengine to 2 in my
> .vimrc on HP-UX and _vimrc on Win64 gives this this message when opening a c
> source file (say main.c from vim's source):
> Error detected while processing 
> /trace/tjmt1/vim/73/vim73/runtime/syntax/c.vim:
> line  154:
> E475: Invalid argument: cBracket^Itransparent start='\[\|<::\@!' end=']\|:>'

\@ assertions are not supported yet by the new engine.

> line  114:
> E475: Invalid argument: vimInsert^Imatchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: 
> \t]*\(\d\+\
> (,\d\+\)\=\)\=a\%[ppend]$"^Imatchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""

\%[...] is not supported yet by the new engine

And also not supported yet are the many \%X atoms and \_[...] 

I am not sure, if all those need to get fixed before the release.

Letzte Worte der Mutter:
  "Ich hab mal deine Disketten sortiert."

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