I started looking through some of the failures.

t/comp/parser .................................................
FAILED--unexpected output at test 0

ok 23 - interpolation, here doc
ok 24 - ';&' sub prototype confuses the lexer
ok 25
ok 26 - eval { foo => 'bar' }
ok 27 - { foo => 'bar' }

garbage line of output appears to come from this:

# Bug #21575
# ensure that the second print statement works, by playing a bit
# with the test output.
my %data = ( foo => "\n" );
print "#";
$test = $test + 1;
print "ok $test\n";

Pipe problem?

t/op/stat ..................................................... FAILED at
test 31
not ok 31 - symlink() ok
# Failed test 31 - symlink() ok at [.t.op]stat.t line 223
not ok 32 - -l
# Failed test 32 - -l at [.t.op]stat.t line 224
ok 81 - lstat $ioref reverts to regular fstat
# Can't symlink [.t.op]stat.t: permission denied at [.t.op]stat.t line 485.
# Looks like you planned 113 tests but ran 81.

t/op/taint ....................................................
FAILED--unexpected output at test 531
Appears to be due to building with secure logical name translations.  First
error is this:

ok 7 # skip all directories are writeable
Insecure $ENV{DCL$PATH} while running with -t switch at [.t.op]taint.t line
Insecure dependency in popen while running with -t switch at [.t.op]taint.t
line 192.
not ok 8

cpan/autodie/t/Fatal ..........................................
FAILED--expected test 15, saw test 17
ok 14 - Close filehandle using - \*FOO
Fatal VMS error (status=114730) at DKA100:[PERL-5_16_2]VMS.C;1, line 11973
%RMS-E-FND, ACP file or directory lookup failed
Fatal VMS error (status=114730) at DKA100:[PERL-5_16_2]VMS.C;1, line 11973
%RMS-E-FND, ACP file or directory lookup failed
ok 16 - Package :void Fatal::opendir in scalar context
ok 17 - Can't override print

cpan/File-Path/t/Path ......................................... FAILED at
test 66
ok 65 - bug 487319 setup
not ok 66 - debian bug 487319 setup symlink
#   Failed test 'debian bug 487319 setup symlink'
#   at cpan/file-path/t/path.t line 332.
# bug487319-symlink
ok 67 - mask of symlink target dir unchanged (debian bug 487319)

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