You MFMP guys have started posting photos. But please do the following: 

1. Get a color calibration card, eg Kodak Color Separation Guide and Gray Scale 
(Q-13, 8" Long)

Include the card in every photo. 

2. Make sure you use a camera with manual control, and use the same camera for 
every photo. Turn off Auto White Balance (AWB) and auto ISO. 
3 Optional : also get a grayscale card --- and ONE TIME ONLY set the camera to 
get the white balance off the card. 

Otherwise, just pick a "suitable" value. 

Note the AWB value (color temperature). 

4. Take every photo at the same AWB and preferably ISO. Make sure that no 
channels are over-exposed. 
----- Original Message -----

From: "Bob Higgins" <> 
Sent: Sunday, December 7, 2014 6:40:57 PM 

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