In the Lugano test, each nickel atom comprising the 100 micro nickel
particle swapped either 1, 2, 3 or 4 neutrons from multiple lithium 7 atoms
to get to pure Ni62 from Ni58, Ni60 and Ni61 and this swap happened to all
billion atoms of the that particle in one operation. This is what this
latest neutron theory cannot explain. This is called cluster transformation.

All these neutron theories such as this one and L&W are unitary theories
where neutrons are moved one neutron at a time. This one neutron transfer
method cannot leave a pure isotope in large amounts(a billion atoms).

Furthermore, consider how neutrons would move from lithium 7 coverng the
surface of the nickel particle, to the atoms deep inside the 100 micron
nickel particle. Being ultra low energy, each low energy neutron is highly
reactive and will combine with the first nickel atom that it encounters.
This implies that the nickel atoms on the surface of the particle would
have more neutrons added to the nickel nucleus. We would expect to see at
least Ni64 or even zinc near the surface of the particle. This atoms near
the surface would all be heavier than the atoms at the center of the
particle. But the nickel is pure with Ni62 at the surface and at the center.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> *From:* Bob Higgins
> Ø       There are many things I find wrong with the theory expounded by
> this paper and the paper itself is poor.
> I agree. It is so poor that it reflects badly on the LENR community that
> it is being praised.
> *From:* Bob Cook
> Ø
> Ø       The Li-7 would  pick up a neutron to reach Li-8 which decays to
> Be-8 by giving up an electron
> Bob - The cross-section for this reaction is extremely small (few
> millibarn) – so tiny in fact that Li-7 is proposed to use in the coolant
> for the proposed liquid metal reactor.
> In contrast, Lithium 6 has a cross section which is 20,000 time higher,
> but decays to tritium which is easily detected – if present. It isn’t.
> In short (at the risk of being repetitive) – neutrons are out … as a valid
> explanation for LENR and again, with apologies to those who think it is
> rude to be so blunt – this theory is an embarrassment to the two guys who
> proposed it since they did not recognize the insurmountable problems. I
> cannot understand why so many (including Rossi) were exuberant about it
> without asking the simplest of questions.
> Does this episode indicate that Rossi has almost no clue as to a workable
> theory? … we can only hope that his lack of adequate theory will not cast
> further doubt on his claimed results.
> You do not have to have a valid theory to get good results… but it does
> help.

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