-----Original Message-----
From: H LV 

MFMP performed a great service by collecting and tabulating this data.... What 
story do you read when you compare the active and null data sets over time? My 
reading of the active data set begins with the storage of energy for the first 
19 hrs and ends with the periodic release of energy for the last 9hrs.  'Excess 
Heat' is not evident....Based on this reading, is it possible to explain the 
amount of energy stored and released using just chemistry?


MFPF is most definitely providing a valuable role in this research, but as you 
imply - they appear to have "jumped the gun" on this announcement. The end 
result is that the lack of convincing evidence feeds into the agenda of the 
Mary Yugo's of the world - just the opposite of what was intended.

And the skeptics are right this time - there is nothing at all to get excited 
about here... yet. The heat is in the noise level and the radiation has been 
known for over a decade. Anyone can make a much better case for LENR by using 
Rothwell's Library. 

We respect Greenyer's efforts. We hope that he is correct that there will be 
more to come shortly. I think that there will be better evidence coming to 
light shortly. It's just too bad that he raised expectations high 
prematurely... and then had to scurry around to explain the fizzle. Mary gloats.


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