What would convince people one way or another about whether the 1 MW plant

The following is purely speculative, but if true could lead to a full
resolution of the mystery of the E-Cat.  Imagine that not long after Rossi
changes the charges in the 1MW plant and tells IH that it is back to full
efficiency, they say, "Great! Now move along Rossi to do your own
research."   ERV comes and picks up his instruments. Rossi leaves. In the
meantime, Fulvio and others stay behind (who know how to operate the plant)
and other scientists and engineers come in.  At their leisure, and without
the presence of Rossi, IH's scientists and engineers conduct their own
tests of energy balance.

At the end of these tests, they pull the fuel charges, and turn the plant
back on.  Without the fuel, their measurements show a COP of approximately
1.  Of course, if they hooked up their instruments and got a COP of 1 with
the fuel still installed, then testing ends quickly.  Either they verify
the effect or that the test was wrong.  Either way it goes is a victory.

If this did not happen, people may claim that Rossi tweaked operating
variables until he could fool the instruments.  Or they may claim that the
ERV was chosen by Rossi or was unable to perform the test competently.

In addition to the above (imagined) scenario, let's imagine one further
thing.  As Rossi claimed at the beginning of the relationship between IH
and himself, IH is in full possession of the formula for making an E-Cat
work.  Their scientists/engineers have also been experimenting and
conducting their own completely independent tests.  If that is also true,
then we would have even greater evidence that either the E-Cat works or
never has.


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