Fabiani would be needed to keep the plant running while other scientists
and engineers examine it.  Why trust one just one ERV?  I wouldn't trust
Fabiani over Rossi, but I would trust IH or other scientists to do some
additional testing to give a valid calibration. Fabiani is needed to keep
the plant running while others examine it.  We don't need another silly
year-long test to determine if it works, but we do need an objective

AFAIK, there has never been a valid calibration of any E-Cat in a test that
I have read about.

Even if IH has the plant without fuel, they could run a calibration at the
various flow rates, input powers, and temperature ranges used in the test.
This is not to convince the super-skeps, but rather to convince those who
want a valid test.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 7:39 AM a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> It doesn't matter what test is performed, the pseudo skeptics will find
> some reason why it might be wrong.  Why trust Fulvio Fabiani and not Rossi?
> So many people who have actually seen and worked on the E-Cat that if it
> didn't work someone would said that.  Yet no one has except Krivit whom
> I read was hurt when he was caught trying to take a sample of the fuel.
> The negativity comes from those that have no direct, first hand
> information but just speculate how the tests might have been fixed.
> As Rossi said, only the sale of working reactors will quiet the
> skeptics.  Let's wait for the ERV's report.

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