"...then Rossi would be smart to simply cancel IH's license and go for his own $500 billion IPO next month. Let IH sue him if they don't like the cancellation."

I think the fight is over the $10 million in escrow, which looks like it may go back to IH if the deal falls through.


On 04/06/2016 11:57 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Haynie

Actually, this whole mystery could be the result of a failure by IH to raise 
the expected $89 million to finalize the deal.
Maybe, but if Rossi really has the goods ... given that useless concepts like 
"Twitter" are valued at $24 billion IPO with almost no sustainable income, then 
Rossi would be smart to simply cancel IH's license and go for his own $500 billion IPO 
next month. Let IH sue him if they don't like the cancellation.

The fact he is even pursuing the lawsuit is insane if the technology is solid, 
since his Lawyer will cost him more than an IPO, out of pocket (the Banks get 
their cut at the end). This little bit of financial realism is indicative that 
Rossi does not believe his own COP=50 nonsense.

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