
My reading of IH's statement is quite different. I don't recall them saying there was no heat. They said THEY could not duplicate Rossi's results. That is not the same thing.

There has been quite a lot of speculation that the dispute is really about whether they have received sufficient know how from Rossi to make E-Cats that run with a high COP for a long time. Not that the 1 MW plant does not work. IH did not SAY that it didn't. As far as we know the ERV report said that it did work.

Jed wrote.

   I do not know if there is another complete report, but I do know
   that the I.H. observer disagrees with the Penon report, for good

   Earlier I thought you wrote that Penon was incompetent and the
   report valueless

I think he is incompetent based on his 2012 report, as I said. I.H. says they disagree with the report. They say there is no heat. That makes the report valueless. I trust I.H.'s expertise in calorimetry more than I trust Penon's.

     Now you say the report damns Rossi.

That's what I.H. says, not me. They say there is no heat. That damns the report.

   Earlier you wrote there were two ERV's.  Now it seems there is only one.

I think there are three people involved, Penon, Barry West and Fulvio Fabiani. That is my reading of the legal paper that Eric Walker kindly dug up. I do not know who is responsible for what, or how many reports were written, but in any case, I am sure that I.H. strongly disagrees with the Penon report. They made that clear in the press release and in additional comments to me. I hope the details will all be published eventually, but I cannot say when that might happen.

   Rossi stated that he wanted to release the report but had not on his
   attorney;s advice.  How dO you know better?

I cannot discuss that now. I hope I can later today. Sorry to be mysterious, but I really do hope I can say something definitive about that topic soon. The rest, including the report, may remain shrouded in mystery.

- Jed

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