Somebody must have blinded Jed as far as the ability to incorporate new
information into thinking. Rossi spent ALL his time inside an air
conditioned container. This means Rossi WOULD BE NOT DEAD.

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Axil Axil <> wrote:
> If the Reactor is radiating ten to hundreds of kilowatts of heat, then the
>> COP produced by the reactor is higher then that measured by the ERV using
>> water flow.
> That is true. If it is radiating hundreds of kilowatts, the COP is higher.
> That is how calorimetry always works. You never capture all the heat in the
> flow. However, it is not radiating hundreds of kilowatts because if it
> were, Rossi WOULD BE DEAD. He would be cooked.
> Got it? Dead! Passed on! No more! Ceased to be! Expired and gone to meet
> 'is maker! Bereft of life. Rests in peace! His metabolic processes are now
> history! Kicked the bucket, Shuffled off his mortal coil.
>> Just this wasted heat could will put the reactor into gainful power
>> production status.
> Yes if only this were real heat instead of imaginary heat, you could add
> it to the tally. Unfortunately, all of the real heat equals the input
> power, and nothing more.
> - Jed

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