Jones Beene: "Their opinions are* de minimis..." *

Jones Beene must be a lawyer of at least work with them alot.

My lawyer oftentimes describes aspects of my case as *de minimis*


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 9:32 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> *From:* Peter Gluck
> Do you think you are convincing many people here?
> Peter,
> Duh! Your question about JR convincing the important technologists in the
> field is almost silly, IMO. Because of his extended reputation in LERN
> over many years, his International connections, his dedication to the
> field and to maintaining an incredible library - and high skill level in
> many fields -- Jed has steered many, if not the great majority of
> scientists to his perspective. There is no other as well-respected in the
> entire field, including Storms and McKubre.
> He’s had less success with Rossi’s hard-core minions, but many now
> suspect that the emperor has no cloths … yet are too idealistic to give up
> easily. Their opinions are* de minimis* at best in terms of the
> technology itself. Sure, if Jed is wrong, his reputation will suffer badly but
> the same holds true for you (or any of us).
> There is a third possibility - that Jed will be mostly right, but not
> totally. It is pretty clear from everything which has transpired in the
> last month, that AR cannot live up to the specifics of the contract. However,
> it is difficult to believe that he has nothing to show for many years of
> effort and millions spent, in a field where there has been prior success
> by others. That would mean that Rossi is totally incompetent and probably
> mentally ill… and at best, a Svengali of sorts. He seems to totally
> captivate the Swedish mind-set, for whatever reason.
> Certainly Rossi can still manage to salvage his sinking ship if he honestly
> and openly demonstrates a substantial thermal anomaly with his latest
> effort, if only for a few days duration, and low COP. He would lose the
> battle with IH, but could win the war, many years down the road when
> things are better understood … unless he is mad.
> What he cannot do is facilitate another sham like Lugano and expect to
> maintain his loyal following, with instant creds or future investment. This
> looks like a last chance opportunity. Can he pull it off?
> Rossi is surely deluded in this recurrent vision of upcoming mass
> production, or even having a real customer. As to the point (as several
> have noted) – that he did manage to arouse new interest in the field and
> deserves recognition for that….well… DGT also raised interest in LENR, and in
> fact, cross-validated Rossi for a while. Several here thought DGT was
> real and had leap-frogged Rossi. Without the both of them in 2003,
> neither would have looked good.
> But the DGT legacy is negative. If Rossi joins them in ignominy, LENR
> will survive, but it would greatly shorten the timetable if he has
> something left in his magic box.

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