So far I have to agree with ashfeild until a complete diagram is available to 
critic.  Goat Guy(GG) and everyone else would love to have a look at the 
customers heat sink, but apparently that is not going to happen anytime soon.

I do not agree with GG that the condenser is not a reasonable way to extract 
the heat from the incoming steam.  He suggests a water to water exchanger which 
is just an alternate method of doing the same task.

In actuality, it is more likely that Rossi's customer would use a liquid to 
liquid system unless his process requires hot air.  Of course, it has not been 
proven that Rossi's customer actually uses 1 MW of heat according to IH among 
others.  I leave that determination to the courts.

Since GG assumes cheating, he needs to prove that some of the tricks that he 
suggests are actually present.  Until that is shown, he can not be taken too 
seriously in my opinion.





-----Original Message-----
From: a.ashfield <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Aug 10, 2016 5:46 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:angry and sad LENR comment but info too!

    I think GoatGuy must have been on some hallucinogen to come up with    
that.  I don't believe it has any relationship with the 1 MW    plant.    From 
what Engineer48 has written the plant used positive    displacement pumps that 
were computer controlled to keep the water    level right in the reactors.
    Even Murray has not suggested there was an overflow that fed back    into 
the reservoir.
On 8/10/2016 4:56 PM, Jack Cole wrote:
Here is the previous post.  Again, not certain        about whether it was the 
configuration used.          


Thanks to Brad for            finding the comment from GoatGuy on Next          
  Big Future.  I have had a chance to examine and think            through the 
arguments.  I'm not an engineer, so maybe            someone else can do a 
better analysis.  It seems like this            explanation would work only if 
the plumbing connected to the            water tanks in certain ways (e.g., 
outlets connecting to the            central reservoir near the top).  If they 
connected on the            bottom of the tanks, there would be mixing and 
prevention of            air pockets.          

                        13                            hours ago
                      Hah! I got it… finally!                          (I see 
how the 'trick' is very likely being                          performed, and 
why                          IH decided on a different testing procedure        
                  from the 'contract approved' one.)
                          Its cute, subtle, and would result in an              
            entirely misleading result. 
                          FIRST, you need to open the ( )        
                  pdf file.
                          Look at Figure 1.                          In the 
center of the “reactor                            shelter”, is a box labeled 
“water                            reservoir”, which has 2 inlets and 2          
                          Inlet 1, top = tap water from municipal line
                          Inlet 2, bot = return from steam condensers
                          Outlet 1, top = water to first half of E-cats and     
                       then to water tank 1
                          Outlet 2, bot = water to second half of               
           E-cats and                            then to water tank 2
                          All that would be needed would be for the             
             steam-condensor loop to have a BUNCH of air in                     
     the line for this to be a really misleading                          COP > 
1 system. Sensors that measure gas                          flow cannot 
discriminate 100% steam from 50:50                          steam from 0% hot 
air. Likewise, with a bit of                          flim-flam, most of the 
heat emitted could be                          combined back into the 
circulating loop (of                          which there are 2: (water tank 1) 
→ (input to                          ECat₁) → (combine with reservoir tank 
water) →                          (back into ECat₁) → (back to water tank 1) …  
                        repeated for the bottom half. 
                          In this system most of the input power can            
              heat the effluent stream, if needed. The                          
amount of 'real steam' in the big old                          
misdirection-device (the "condensers", which                          are huge, 
non-quantitative, impressive and so                          on), which         
                   thru air-in-the-lines becomes 'the ruse' looks               
           great. Metrology is done. It all seems great because                 
           no one is alert to the intent-to-deviate                            
from the patent diagram. 
                          The receiving tanks get both new tap water and        
                  a bunch of recirculated water, reheated. The                  
        bogosity of the experiment isn't easily                          
revealed. No attempt is made to mass-heat a                          bunch of 
water (like a small swimming pool's                          worth) a finite 
amount. The whole thing runs                          at whatever rate it       
                   runs (which is carefully excluded from the                   
       PDF). The only measure left is the misdirected                          
                          It is ingenious.
                          And if I were 'there', I'd too be calling for         
                 different testing. 
                          Namely… substituting a liquid-liquid heat             
             exchanger for the great big air blower.
                          To heat the small swimming pool. 
                          Which REALLY becomes quantitative, fast. 
                          To at least 2 sig-figs.
                          More than enough to expose                            
the rat.
                          Or to confirm                            the golden 
                          Which (by my surmise) confirms why Rossi's so         
                 up tight about the testing.
                          Which he shouldn't                          be if it 
is aiming toward MASS calorimetry.
                          Which of course he's never done.
                          Nor will he.
                          Because it exposes rats.
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:52 PM Jack Cole <>          wrote:
            There was a schematic that GoatGuy referenced some time            
ago.  His speculation of how it could be faked included air            in the 
system registering on the flow meter.  I'm not            certain the schematic 
was the ultimate configuration that            was used.  I'll try to find it 
in the archives.
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 3:36 PM David              Roberson 
<>              wrote:
Jed,                  I do not see any obvious reason why the flow meter can    
              not be lower than the reservoir.   Do you have some               
   form of schematic that supports what you are                  describing?
-----Original                  Message-----
                  From: a.ashfield <>
                  To: vortex-l <>
                  Sent: Wed, Aug 10, 2016 4:29 pm
                  Subject: Re: [Vo]:angry and sad LENR comment but info         
                      Your answer is too pathetic for words.
                      Placed so it was half full???   Show a diagram of         
             the piping so an engineer can judge it.
                      I note you still won't admit you were wrong on            
          something else even after I posted proof .
On 8/10/2016 3:53 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Peter Gluck <>                              wrote:

And what exactly is the                                  truth, where was the 
flowmeter placed?

It was placed such that it was half                                full. That 
is what the rust marks shows,                                and what careful 
testing shows.                                Obviously it cannot be lower than 
the                                destination (the reservoir).

Can you tell or is it under NDA?

I just told you. I.H. told you. You                                don't 
believe us. You believe Rossi                                instead. He gave 
you no more proof than                                I did, but you believe 
him,                                unconditionally. So I see no reason to      
                          give you any more information. You will               
                 reject it and demand more, and more, and                       

I expect I.H. will publish more in                                response to 
the lawsuit. You can wait                                until then. But, since 
you do not                                believe what they already published,  
                              there is no point to waiting. You have            
                    already made up your mind that Rossi is                     
           always right, no matter what he says,                                
not matter how impossible it is.

- Jed


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