I have the impression that IH had significant worries about Rossi from 2014
on. But, as their Answer says, they also had several reports from teams of
scientists with far more knowledge then them that seemed to substantiate
some of Rossi's claims.  If they were straightforward with prospective
investors about the risks and open questions, and if they said this whole
Rossi thing is a big unknown, but there's some people who are reporting
that some of his results are positive despite their own difficulties
substantiating his IP, and that the field in general is pretty exciting,
and if they were transparent with those investors that did join the pool
once things started souring, I do not see how they can be faulted.


On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Giovanni Santostasi <gsantost...@gmail.com>

> Eric,
> The only thing that I would complain about IH is that they trusted Rossi
> too much. He is using this against them.
> If it is true that IH received money from investors while they were
> doubting Rossi veracity then it is somehow a problem for them even if not
> fatal.
> They could have thrown their money after Rossi but bringing in external
> money without being sure about the technology and Rossi behavior it is a
> little problematic.
> But investment comes with risks so in absence of evidence that Rossi was
> fraudulent one could still understand why they would trying to continue the
> fund raising effort.
> But it is not perfectly kosher I think. But even if that was true it
> doesn't exonerate Rossi conduct at all.
> Giovanni
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 3:55 PM, Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Giovanni Santostasi <
>> gsantost...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> IH is not a saint but it is clear who is the worst scammer here.
>> Honestly, I haven't seen anything other than speculation that IH have
>> done anything improper.  They've been admirably quiet this whole time.
>> Through all of this I get the impression they're pretty decent folks.
>> People have been quick to attribute the actions of some of the friends of
>> Darden and Vaughn to IH itself.  I get the sense these people just wanted
>> to stick up for them in the face of a lot of misleading statements that
>> were being made, but they were not specifically called upon to do
>> anything.  It's 100 percent incorrect to draw any inferences to decisions
>> made by IH without specific information.  People believe exactly what they
>> want to believe.
>> Eric

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