
You have expressed the arguments against Holmlid's interpretation being accurate quite well. Thanks for taking the time to do this. As I mentioned before, these arguments can be generally condensed into "show me more." Yet Holmlid is doing as much with small funding as can be reasonably expected. Curiously, no one has taken the obvious approach of reporting a failed replication. If there was a failed replication, then deep skepticism would be more relevant.

Bottom line - in the big picture, Holmlid has presented a case for a breakthrough which is well beyond incremental. It would be a profound paradigm shift if accurate - of greater importance than the entire opus of CERN with the $20 billion spent there. Even if the chances of his results and interpretation being accurate are low, the payoff is so high that it is mind blowing.

The DoD/DoE has invested an obscene amount of money in ICF at LLNL. It makes no sense for them not to try to replicated.

 Bob Higgins wrote:
So far, as I keep reading Holmlid's latest paper, I keep coming to a statement, and I ask myself, "where's the support for this?" So I go through the string of references and find illogical hand waving or leaps of faith, but not logical support. This business of the "2.3 pm" spaced seems to still rely entirely on the particle velocities whose measured energy has come entirely from an improbable conjecture of "Coulombic explosion". Coloumbic potential energy would have to be stored in the system - I.E. placed there by some process of squeezing the atoms into some metastable state. Yet, the H(0) or D(0) state is being portrayed as having lower Hamiltonian (total energy) than H2. Thus, one would expect ordinary H2 gas as having tremendous Coulombic potential energy - even more than H(0) since H2's total energy is higher than H(0) according to Holmlid (see his figure in the latest paper which is reproduced from his other works).

Holmlid's background is in the study of hydrogen Rydberg matter. These condensed matter particles have a good basis in science, and have been thoroughly characterized. Hydrogen Rydberg particles are not dense - just the opposite. The atomic spacing in RM particles is twice that of H2, making the local molecular density of H2 much greater than that for RM. There have been molecular RM models created and the rotational spectra computed and matched to observed spectra. The basis and characterization of RM is very strong. Holmlid seems to be trying to transfer that strong basis for RM onto his conjecture for H(0) and D(0) with what appears to be only hand-waving - and hand-waving with contradictory claims.

H(0) and/or D(0) are supposed to be the lowest energy state of hydrogen condensed matter. Such a low energy state cannot be planar like RM - though Holmlid is claiming that RM is a precursor to H(0). In Holmlid's description of coupled D-D pairs, he describes coupled pairs at right angles which form a tetrahedron string having an atomic spacing of 5 pm. Evidence is claimed for matching rotational spectroscopy (2016, "Emission spectroscopy of IR laser-induced processes in ultra-dense deuterium"). To calculate the rotational spectrum, you have to have a model for the entire molecule. The spectrum will result from an eigensolution of the quantum fomulation for rotational states. With some hand waving, some modeling was done and some matching was found in his 2016 paper, but this is not convincing like the work to determine the structure of the RM particles.

Basically, I cannot get past the fact that Holmlid is building a huge castle on a foundation of sand. He has not produced a sound basis for H(0)/D(0) that underlies all of his conjecture. His arguments of "Coulombic explosion" don't pass the common sense test as a similar CE of H2 should result in more energy release than H(0). How can what is being proposed on the basis of H(0)/D(0) be taken seriously without reasonable proof of the existence of the fundamentals?

 Bob Higginswrote:

    I believe there are circular arguments going on here.  On the one
    hand you are saying that neutral mesons are decaying into muons
    (charged) far from the reactor.  But also there is the claim of
    fusion in his reactor, wherein many are supposing MCF.  He is also
    measuring charged particles in his reactor. The decay "times" are
    statistical means and there will be some probability of a decay
    from t = zero to infinity.  That's why it is possible to see
    mesons -> muons in the reactor, more outside the reactor, and more
    further away from the reactor.

    So, I am saying that there are meson decays going on all along the
    path from the reactor. Muons should be easy to detect because they
    are charged and likely to interact with the scintillator
    crystal/liquid/plastic or by exciting photoelectron cascades in
    the GM tube. The fact that the corresponding muons are not
    detected in ordinary LENR with GM tubes and scintillators
    basically means that, in LENR, mesons are not produced.  They may
    not be produced in Holmlid's reaction ... but I have to finish
    reading the paper to understand the case he is claiming.

     Jones Beenewrote:

        Bob Higgins wrote:

        The descriptions in 5,8) below suggests that Holmlid's
        reaction produces a high muon flux that would escape the
        reactor.  A high muon flux would be very similar to a high
        beta flux.  First of all, it would seem that a flux of
        charged muons would be highly absorbed in the reactor walls.

        Bob - Yes, this has been the obvious criticism in the past,
        but it has been addressed.

        As I understand it, the muons which are detected*do not exist*
        until the meson, which is the progenitor particle, is many
        meters away. This makes the lack of containment of muons very
        simple to understand.

        At one time muons were thought to exist as neutral instead of
        charged (see the reference Bob Cook sent, from 1957) but in
        fact, the observers at that time, due to poor instrumentation
        - were seeing neutral mesons, not muons.

        As an example, a neutral Kaon decays to two muons one negative
        and one positive. However, the lifetime of the Kaon which is
        much shorter than the muon but still about ~10^-8 seconds
        means that on average 99+% of the particles are tens to
        hundreds of meters away before they decay to muons. Thus the
        reactor is transparent to the progenitor particle.

        This is why Holmlid places a muon detector some distance away
        and then calculates the decay time. Thus he claims an
        extraordinarily high flux of muons which assumes that the
        detector is mapping out a small space on a large sphere.
        However, they are not usable any more than neutrinos are
        usable, since they start out as a neutral meson.

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