On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am sorry to report that there has been a considerable decline in
> interest in cold fusion. The number of Google alerts about the subject is
> far lower than it used to be. The number of people reading papers at
> LENR-CANR.org is down. The numbers usually goes down in summer when
> students take a break from universities, but this year the numbers are
> particularly low. See:

Scientific research should not be a popularity contest, right? *Especially*
considering the funding circus that the usual 'vested interests' have
prostituted it into (like much else in life). If I were you people, this
development would be almost my least concern at the moment.

> http://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=1213
> Results from Google Ngram are less conclusive. Apparently the term "LENR"
> meant something in the 19th century and it was for more common than it is
> today. Both "LENR" and the phrase "cold fusion" have fallen in popularity.

So what does this say about all those people who've insisted that we stop
using the term 'cold fusion', because it is 'needlessly provocative'[sic]
-- and who came up with this 'LENR' euphemism, to replace it ..?

Bah. So much for these smart people...

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