Hi Robin,

I've followed up on our question about photons having gravitational
influence by reading up on some threads on PhysicsForums and posing a
question of my own.  The conclusion that classical beams of light bend
spacetime is a straightforward for mainstream physics; namely, they do.
(Do individual photons bend light?  Probably, but to be determined.)  How
much does light bend gravity?  In an answer to my question about the
annihilation photons and the black hole, assuming there is no firewall, one
respected member of the forum appears to agree with me that they have the
same affect on gravity as the masses of the electron and positron prior to
entering the black hole.

We are left to wonder whether Mills in his boundless and admirable ambition
has set out to revise not only quantum mechanics but general relativity as


My question about the black hole:

Posts about photons, light and gravity:

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