This was discussed in depth here, and on the QuantumHeat blog. Bob Higgins commented at that time:

The way the signal behaved, it was strong in Spectrum-07, weak in Spectrum-08, missing in Spectrum-09, and tiny in Spectrum-10. It did not exist in Spectrum-06 at all. If it were a hot particle, it would have to be moving around and blocking the gamma. That's an analysis crux. You just don't get a smooth Bremsstrahlung with no gamma peaks from radioisotopic contamination.

Another thing that has been mentioned is that the spectrum falls too fast for Bremsstrahlung ... Well, that might be true if the Bremsstrahlung came from a source of monochromatic electrons. But, if it comes from beta emission, the beta energy falls off with energy AND the Bremsstrahlung also falls off with energy, so the fast roll-off suggests Bremsstrahlung from beta with a double roll-off.
<end quote>

There was also some numerical analysis of the curve shape, which I cannot locate now. But if I recall correctly, it seemed to conform to the curve derived by Befiki rather than a pure 1/f relation. There was some consensus that it represented an inner Brehmsstralung mechanism, based on the energy distribution.

@Jones - The curve for Spec7 as published is straight from experimental data, as you should recall from my presentation at SRI, which you attended.


*From: *Nigel Dyer <>

It is like both like a Maxwellian distribution and Bremstrahlung, but neither of these give a 1/f^2 distribtion. If you overlay a 1/f^2 line over the red dots the fit is perfect, indeed it is so good that it almost looks as if that is how it was generated.

JonesBeene wrote:

    Looks quasi-Maxwellian to me.

    Where is the inverse peak?

    *From: *Nigel Dyer <>

    I have been looking at the graph titled

    "After the MASSIVE broad band 'turn on' pulse, the excess heat
    mode is

    between 0 and 100KeV"


    which shows the steady state gamma radiation from the Parkhomov-like

    experiment, together with a plot of the gamma radiation that is seen

    right at the start.

    It appears that the initial gamma radiation obeys a perfect inverse

    frequency squared law.  I feel that this must be telling us something

    about the underlying physics, but it is not clear what.  I cannot

    any other examples of inverse frequency squared emission of radiation.

    Any ideas?


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