On 1/06/2018 5:35 AM, Vibrator ! wrote:
.  .  .
The thing is, a real model is inherently suspect - defeating its ostensible 
purpose.  Batteries and motors can be hidden, etc.
If you make it out of clear perspex with the minimum steel parts like bearings, 
springs, etc then there is nowhere to hide batteries.

.  .  .  you've still no idea what the putative gain mechanism is.
Since it requires new physics, this is unavoidable until the new physics 
mechanism that provides the gain can be guessed at.

Now consider that you have the same thing in simulation - except now, the thing 
has its entire guts out.  You can see the values of everything, in every field. 
 Everything is independently metered, using standard formulas that can be 
manually checked by anyone.  So you can independently calculate the input and 
output work integrals, from their respective dependent variables, which are 
also all clearly displayed, and confirm for yourself that everything is being 
presented accurately.  You can immediately replicate the results on the back of 
an envelope, from first principles.
Since all physics calculations and simulations are FOUNDED on conservation of 
energy, such simulations CANNOT produce "overunity".  If they do seem to 
produce it then you know you have a BUG in your code and by checking "the input 
and output work integrals" you can pin down which formula you have entered 
incorrectly, by finding the exact process in which excess energy appears (or 
disappears).  It is only when you get a perfect energy balance throughout (as 
well as CoM, etc) that you know your code is finally working.

On 4/06/2018 1:03 AM, Vibrator ! wrote:
.  .  . i've already done it.  .  .  No New physics.
Sorry, if there is "No New physics" then you can't have done it.  You have 
simply made a mistake.  I suggest you find a friend who is good at physics to 
check your equations for the term(s) which you must have neglected or included 
in error.  Even if the person does not understand what you tell them, you can 
often discover the mistake yourself while trying to explain it to someone else 
at a detailed enough level.

If you had built something which you claimed clearly worked (like Bessler did), 
then you could be right and you could have made an amazing (re)discovery that 
would require all the basic physics text books to need correcting with the NEW 
PHYSICS that your working model has demonstrated.  But if it is just maths and 
simulation applied to standard known physics, then everybody who knows this 
stuff KNOWS that you must have made a mistake.  . . .  Sorry to be the bearer 
of bad news.

Consider an illustration that might help.  Supposing you started with a litre 
of water in a flask, and decided to pass it through some very complicated 
transformation processes.  So you might boil it to a vapour, condense it in a 
fractional distillation column, run fractions through filters of various sorts, 
freeze some and grind it to a paste, and so on, ad nauseum.  In the end, no 
matter what you did to it, you will not have managed to increase or decrease 
the number of molecules of water through any of these processes.  The amount of 
water at the end would be just the same as what you started with - and almost 
all well educated people would refuse to believe otherwise.  Without NEW 
CHEMISTRY you cannot ever get an overunity production of water molecules.

Well the same is true of energy.  You can transform it in far more ways than 
you can molecules, but through all these processes, the number of joules (just 
as the number of molecules) remains constant.  Physicists know this and CANNOT 
believe otherwise.  Unless you can propose some NEW PHYSICS to explain how the 
extra joules came to appear within the system, it is simply not possible to 
believe.  All the physics equations that we have are based on the conservation 
of energy because we have never had a system in captivity to study that breaks 
this law.

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