China will emerge from the coronavirus crisis stronger than the U.S., experts 
This is the headline from the MarketWatch newsletter... They make a good case 
for the shocking prediction, whether you like it or not.

China is going back to work now - as of TODAY even Hunan is off of the "stay at 
home" rule. They will be back to work so as to have more than a three month 
headstart on the USA (most likely). This can make a huge difference.

Hmm... was such a scenario as this is turning out to be -- predictable? Perhaps 
predictable by an AI?

If so - let's say that a country which wished to overtake the US as the leader 
of the World economy - had developed an AI which foretold this scenario and how 
to pull it off. Lets say the simulation was rock-solid and always came back 
with the same result. This creates an opportunity.

With a population of 1.5 billion, would it not make good economic sense, never 
mind the humanity, to engineer a virus and start it at home... but it is 
engineered to have the traits which would favor a desired end-game ? 

The sacrifice to do this was less than 5000 souls, which is almost 
insignificant in the Big Picture. we have been killing off that many every 
month for some time with opiods. Thank you very much Big Pharma.

Even if this economic good fortune was not planned out and did not happen, and 
there is zero proof that it did happen, the lesson here to remember is that it 
could happen. And not just in Sci-Fi.

Maybe it could happen next year and/or ... maybe it is Putin who is actually 
pulling the strings... and not the Chinese..


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