Horace Heffner wrote:
> On Jul 17, 2007, at 3:54 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:
>> Horace Heffner wrote:
>> > I think you missed my point.  If you don't want something public then
>> > don't make it so yourself.
>> I didn't miss anything. The moral of this story --> There will always
>> be mindless jerk who doesn't give a rats a** about other people.
> Actually it appears you did miss something.  If you are so concerned and
> you want your address protected from web crawlers then you should post
> them on your web site in a cryptic form, not out in the clear as you
> have on you web page.  You can add obvious spaces for example.

LOL, this is hilarious. My email address on my site is and has been in cryptic form. You don't know what you're talking about. It's called javascript.

>> You admit it.
> I don't think it is appropriate to cow tow to bullying trolls.  It
> appears that in the future I should simply ignore any of your replies,
> but comment freely on your work, or not, as I chose.

And I have zero respect for someone who acknowledges they submit an innocent persons email address to potential spammers.

>> You posted Dr. Mikes email address to who knows how many spammers
>> subscribed to this list. You have no morals what so ever ... surprise,
>> surprise, LOL.
> I didn't post anything Dr. Mike did not put on his web site in public view.

Fuzzy logic. You should get Dr. Mike's permission before posting his email address to a list of potential spammers. You could have *easily* posted Dr. Mikes URL rather than post his email. A lot of people don't know about or how to protect their email address with javascript. By posting Dr. Mikes URL you are giving Dr. Mike the option of removing or changing his email any time he wishes. Unbelievable.

BTW, let me know when you want continue our debate on capturing ambient energy so I can educate (LOL) you on some fundamental physics.

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