I suggest a public discussion stops when anyone objects. Following the objection, anyone who wishes to continue the discussion privately can make their wish known publicly. These people would be put on the cc of the private exchange. If no one makes such a request, the discussion stops. Of course, anyone would be free to contact the person who made the off-topic comment initially and continue the discussion by private e-mail, but without additional contributors. I'm sure this is done often, but I'm suggesting this method be acknowledged formally as a way to satisfy the requirements of the list.


On Jun 16, 2009, at 11:52 AM, OrionWorks wrote:

From Ed:

While I agree with your basic point, I agree some things are best discussed in private with the people who are interested. I suggest if a a subject comes up that is not of general interest, the people who would like to explore the idea further make their wish known so that the discussion can move to private e-mail involving each interested person without having to get involved with another list or cause consternation to people who are not
interested. How does this sound?

Sounds sensible to me.

In fact, I'm sure we do this all the time!

I guess the 64 dollar question might be: How one might go about
determining if the subject matter being discussed (and also being
considered for private exchange) would be of general interest to
others or not. I think I'm being nit picky here... Probably not that
big of a deal. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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