Joshua Cude <> wrote:

> Well, it is if an experiment can be easily designed to make such suspicions
> impossible. As would be the case here, if the claims were true.

Seriously, It is nearly impossible to design a demonstration that will
eliminate all suspicions, in all people. Some people, such as Robert Park,
simply will not believe a claim, no matter how much evidence you present.
Even if Park were to attend a first-rate demonstration of the Rossi device,
one that addresses all of the issues raised here, he would refuse to believe
it. He would make up other objections. I mean it when I say that people can
make up unlimited numbers of reasons to dismiss a finding.

The scientific method demands that an arbitrary limit be placed on
objections. It is a matter of opinion how much proof is needed, and how many
objections should be met, but you cannot leave the question undecided
indefinitely. Do that, and no question will be settled, nothing will ever be
ready for the textbooks, and research will not proceed to the next step. I
am not saying that Rossi has met that limit. He is far from it! But you
cannot keep moving the goalposts and asking for more and more proof, and is
your standard is: "Are the skeptics satisfied? Does anyone still have
doubts?" then you will keep moving the goalposts indefinitely.

Many people still dispute special relativity. That's fine. They have every
right to do that. But we should not expect physicists to keep repeating
experiments that demonstrate the effect of gravity on time, for instance,
just to satisfy these skeptics. The physicists have other things to do.

Cold fusion researchers should not be forced to do boil off experiments
again and again just because the latest crop of nitwits in Wikipedia are
unaware of the steps taken to ensure that unboiled water did not leave the
cells at Toyota and the French AEC.

Just to clarify, Stephen Lawrence is correct. I meant you do not have to
trust Rossi. You do have to trust Levi, Celani and Dufour and some other
people. They might be conspiring together to fool us. If they can keep a
secret, it would be easy for them to fool us. I have no actual proof that
the demonstration even took place. The video might have been staged, and the
data invented out of whole cloth. If you think that Levi, Celani and the
others might do such a thing, then you have no reason to believe any of this
is true. I doubt they would, because it would be out of character, and there
does not seem to be a motive.

- Jed

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