>From Jed:

>> From Jones:
>> Yes. Your fear would be shared by the majority in the USA,
>> and that is likely to be the major reason that Rossi is not
>> doing it here. He knows he would not see this device sold
>> here during his lifetime, due to the NRC.
> I think you are exaggerating the power of the NRC! If this
> machine succeeds at all, it will be on the front pages of
> every newspaper on earth for weeks. It will be talked about
> everywhere. Every industrial company will be anxious to start
> manufacturing units, knowing that if they are late, they will
> soon face bankruptcy. There will be tremendous public pressure
> to allow the technology, simply because it will reduce the
> cost of energy by a large factor. The NRC cannot fight that.
> Neither can the fossil fuel industry. I am sure they will do
> everything they can to stop it or slow it down, but they will
> fail. When the public stands to gain trillions of dollars,
> nothing can stop it.

I am also in sympathy with Jed's POV on this matter. I truly hope
Jed's prediction turns out to be accurate.

However, do not underestimate the capacity of politicians and society
in general to behave some of the most stupid counter-productive ways
imaginable. Having been personally involved for weeks in on-going
debates over Wisconsin's budget concerning the contentious matter of
destroying collective bargaining rights for public employees, an issue
that has now garnered national attention over the matter of what does
killing this provision have to do with balancing Wisconsin's budget...
I have to say pretty conclusively that when well-funded ideology grabs
the steering wheel, logic, practicality, and pragmatism, are often
forced to the back of the bus.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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