On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:..
> > So sorry...please excuse me, I am just begining to learn the vortex
> ropes.
> No, I apologize.  We have speculated for so long.
> T
>From Axil

The following speculation is offered as a springboard for discussion as
regards to the chemical and physical processes that underlie the Rossi
reactor. This is another attempt to connect the dots.

Some information from Piantelli is more revealing than the info so far
provided by Rossi as follows:

In the article “Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: Probably Real, With Credit to
Piantelli” as follows:

“The future of the Ni-H energy work, Piantelli explained, is all about
atomic deposition of elements. To this end, the heart of the new laboratory
features a clean room and machine that he calls "Knudsen," which is used to
deposit thin films by thermal evaporation and surface preparation.

"This is the heart of the problem," Piantelli said. "The surface treatment
on the nickel rod is the secret; it's fundamental."

Actually, there are more secrets, he said. He didn't mind photographs being
taken of anything in the lab. However, he said the real secrets are in his
head - that is, the process of the surface preparation and what he's learned
of this art in the last 19 years.

Piantelli said that he now has the ability to look at the samples before the
experiments begin and predict whether the material will work. He said that a
special annealing furnace that the Piantelli-Focardi group now has is an
essential part of the materials preparation process.”

Speculation on what could be going on here.

Rock salt structure of NiO


Nickel(II) oxide (NiO) can be fabricated so that the planes of oxygen and
nickel stack on each other causing the formation of a capacitor where
two  equivalent
layers of opposite charge densities alternate  normal to the surface, with
an interlayer spacing R1.

NiO can be prepared by multiple methods. In one of them, upon heating above
400 °C, nickel powder reacts with oxygen to give NiO.

In a rock salt like crystal structure, each repeated crystal unit is
separated by a distance of R2 and bears a dipole moment density. Oxygen
being electronegative has an abundance of negative charge.  As a result, the
electrostatic potential increases monotonically across the system by a fixed
amount per double layer.

When properly terminated, the voltage on the surface of the material is
large, typically of the order of several tens of electron volts per layer in
an ionic material. The total dipole moment of N bilayers is proportional to
the slab thickness, and the electrostatic energy amount grows very large,
even for thin films or nano-particles.

In other words, when truncated along the [1 1 1] direction, rock-salt oxides
like NiO exhibit alternating planes of metal2+ and oxygen2_ ions to create a
Type-3 polar surface.

In a type 3 polar surface of nickel oxide along the [1 1 1] direction, the
charge density is non zero and the dipole moment in the repeating unit
perpendicular to the surface, respectively is illustrated as follows:

















When so configured, nickel oxide provides a huge work function which
attracts hydrogen ions and electro-statically glues them to the surface of
the NiO with a greater force far more effectively that for any one pure
metallic element.

This large accumulation of electrostatic force is usually unstable and
causes distortions and breakdowns on the polar face of the crystal but if a
way has been found to somehow stabilize this polar surface of the Oxide
using fine nanopowder, then the electrostatic force might remain largely

In the small dimensions of nanopowder, polar surfaces of oxides have been
made to stabilize electrostatically.

Such strong electrostatic charge potential might help attract and pack
hydrogen into other forms of transition metal Oxide compounds which forms
the surface veneer of the a core and shell nanopowder.

The next step is annealing (remember that annealing is an important step in
the Focardi process)[/u] the Nickel oxide sub-layer in a pure oxygen
atmosphere to produce a cover of porous X2O3(where X is a high temperature
transition metal). This compound is colored other than that opposed to the
green of NiO. The annealing could be a step to remove water and lipids from
an organic nano-particle preperation step; see below

Note: I think that the X was Nickel for Piantelli and upgraded to Iron for
Rossi as explained below.

Packing of hydrogen is JOB ONE in the Rossi process:

[start quote] Edmund Storms:  Rossi hit upon this somewhat by accident. He
was using a nickel catalyst to explore ways of making a fuel by combining
hydrogen and carbon monoxide and apparently, observed quite by accident,
that his [?????] was making extra energy. So then he explored it from that
point of view and, apparently, over a year or two, amplified the effect.

He’s exploring the gas loading area of the field. This is also a region, a
method used in the heavy water, or the heavy hydrogen, system. But in this
case, it was light hydrogen, ordinary hydrogen and nickel and what happens
is quite amazing.

You create the right conditions in the nickel, and he has a secret method
for doing that, and all you do is add hydrogen to it and it makes huge
amounts of energy based upon a nuclear reaction.”[ end quote]

Note: High temperature NiO has been studied as a way to break up vegetable
fat into carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

The role of X2O3 and metalized hydrogen

What the function of the X2O3 does is absorb hydrogen is vast amounts by
packing the hydrogen atoms into a vast number of countless holes and defects
in the crystal structure of this X2O3 oxide compound.

This stuff has so many holes (crystal defects) that it can be used as a
semiconductor acting as a solid state diode.

The hydrogen atoms pack into these holes in vast numbers to exceed 100
hydrogen atoms by number per hole. The atomic packing is so dense and the
electrostatic force exerted by the NiO is so great that the hydrogen
degenerates into an ultra-dense hydrogen H(-1) form entangled as a fermionic
condensate. A fermionic condensate is a superfluid phase formed by fermionic
particles. It is closely related to the Bose–Einstein condensate, a
superfluid phase formed by bosonic atoms (deuterium) under similar
conditions (aka cold fusion).

Hydrogen permeation of metals is a path to metalized hydrogen. It is well
known that hydrogen can permeate to a remarkable extent various ordinary
metals under conditions of ordinary pressure. In other cases it is possible
that the hydrogen literally alloys itself with the metal (somewhat analogous
to mercury amalgam formation). Certainly it is known that many metals remain
metallic (e.g., palladium) after absorbing hydrogen

Doing the first test, .25 grams of hydrogen was loaded into one gram of
nickel. That is an enormous amount of hydrogen to pack into a very small
quantity of nickel.

Therefore the secret process enables the massive packing of large amounts of
hydrogen into any one of many different types of materials. Such dense
packing indicates the formation of metalized hydrogen.

In detail, this is how such packing may be done:

Clusters of condensed hydrogen (Rydberg matter) of densities up to 10e29
atoms per cubic centimeter are packed into pores of solid oxide metal
crystals were confirmed from time-of flight mass spectrometry measurements
in experiments.

A picture of Rydberg matter as follows:


When applied to the crystal lattices of metal oxide micro and/or nano
particles, a cathode material with an ultra dense packing of hydrogen might
be prepared.

The ratio of hydrogen to the host metal oxide atoms might be pushed to as
high as 10 to 1 or more. In contrast to gases, the appearance of ultrahigh
density clusters packed within the crystal defects in the lattice structure
of various solid metal oxides were observed in several experiments, where
such configurations of very high density hydrogen states could be detected
from SQUID measurements of magnetic response and conductivity (Lipson et
al., 2005), indicating a special state of hydrogen with metallic properties.
These high density clusters have a long life (Miley et al., 2009).

Hundreds of atoms of hydrogen can be packed into each crystal defect of the
metal oxide as Rydberg matter. Furthermore, the densities of defects in the
metal oxide may be extremely large such that average distance between
Rydberg clusters amount to about 10 atoms or closer (in subsequent
on-the-fly packing) in the host lattice.

Unlike the Bose–Einstein condensates, fermionic condensates are formed using
fermions instead of bosons. When mechanical vibrations in the crystal
lattice are produced, during the heating of the metal lattice the fermions
in the hydrogen join up to form cooper pairs which then enables the
formation of the fermionic condensate.

Remember, Cooper pairs provide the enabling mechanism of superconnectivity
in a Mott insulator (see below)

In some fraction of this densely packed hydrogen, an atomic inversion of the
hydrogen atom pairs then occurs. This is caused by a transfer of angular
momentum and kinetic energy from the electron pair to the protons under the
influence of the vibrations of the crystal lattice when heat is applied to
initiate the reaction.

Such heating of the nickel powder is required to initiate the Rossi
reaction. As described below, Mott isolation phase transition is also
enabled and optimized by increasing the distance between atomic layers of
oxygen and nickel as well as increasing all atomic distances. This lattice
heating also transfers kinetic energy to the trapped hydrogen increasing its
pressure until its transitions to a metalized state.

The protons orbit each electron in the copper electron pair which greatly
decreased the atomic size and increases the density of the degenerate
hydrogen. (H(-1) is 130,000 times denser than protium H(1))

The electrons in a pair are not necessarily close together; because the
interaction is long range, paired electrons may still be many hundreds of
nanometers apart. This distance is usually greater than the average
interelectron distance; so many Cooper pairs can occupy the same space.
Electrons have spin1/2, so they are fermions, but a Cooper pair is a
composite boson as its total spin is integer (0 or 1).

In metalized hydrogen, the electrons are unbound and behave like the
conduction electrons in a metal. In liquid metallic hydrogen, protons do not
have lattice ordering; rather, it is a liquid system of protons and

The uncertainty principle states that the more you know about the position
of a particle, the less you know of its momentum. With degenerate matter,
since the position of the subatomic particles is compressed and packed in,
we know a lot about their position - and thus their momentum becomes
unpredictable. Added by entanglement and the accumulation of kinetic energy
from the lattice, the more compressed the hydrogen become, the more
erratically its constituent subatomic particles move - rather than being a
solid, degenerate matter acts like a cold version of plasma. The pressure
buildup is so intense, the atoms stop being atoms, and the nucleus of the
former hydrogen atoms breaks apart into it's constituent protons, which then
break apart into their constituent sub-particles (quarks and gluons), which
themselves start behaving abnormally.

Furthermore, in the condensate, all the paired orbiting protons are
entangled which means they share the same quantum mechanical state. Hydrogen
in this state forms Rydberg matter.

Deuterium impurities in the hydrogen will make formation of a fermionic
condensate impossible. This is why a small percentage (2% to 3%) of
deuterium will kill the Rossi reaction.

Piantelli said that he can look at his samples before the experiments begin
and predict whether the material will work because the samples will appear
black (Ni2O3 cover) instead of green (NiO).

Form a Piantelli interview describing an experimental meltdown:

[start quote] Piantelli didn’t know how hot the experiment had gotten before
he killed it because the monitor eventually blacked out. However, the metal
thermocouples inside the cell melted. This told him that the temperature
exceeded 1450 C. Understandably, he was angry because these experiments take
a long time to run and he had to abandon it prematurely.[end quote]

This indicates to me that Piantelli and Rossi are using the oxide of nickel
which has a higher melting temperature than pure nickel metal(1450 C).

There has been a rumor that NiO is not the secret catalyst. I discount this
unless Rossi himself has denied it.

Nickel Oxide NiO(II) - Melting point is 1955 °C

Nickel Oxide (III) -  Ni2O3 - Melting point: 600°C (decomposes with loss of
O2) doping with calcium(or some other element) might improve this
decomposition temperature.

The low decomposition temperature of Ni2O3 suggests that the X2O3 oxide
requires a high temperature replacement where X can be any number of other
transition metals.

As informed by experimental results, Rossi switched from nickel to Iron
since Iron has a higher temperature tolerance.

Iron has shone to have the ability to produce an Oxide (Fe2O3) with a
tremendous capacity to absorb hydrogen. This Iron Oxide can be doped with
calcium or potassium to increase the formation of holes where hydrogen can
be absorbed and confined in huge amounts.

>From a Rossi Q&A

[start quote] Jonas L: Will your company supply with the nickel powder that
is needed or will there be many different suppliers?

Rossi: We will supply, because the Ni has to be treated in a proprietary

Per: Have you studied any other potential reactions besides Ni-H?

Rossi: Yes, we tried many combinations((tens of thousands)), but Ni-H is the
best solution

[end quote]

Rossi states in his patent that copper can replace nickel.

This tells me that the proprietary treatment of the material which can be
comprised of any number of many different elements is the heart of the Rossi

Besides the classic Nickel Oxide prototypical Mott insulator, many
transition metal oxides form Mott insulators. Among the most notable is
Copper Oxide of superconductivity fame. According to the patent, copper can
replace nickel as the catalyst, so one of the requirements of the Rossi
catalyst might be generalized to a requirement for a Mott insulator as the
core of the nano-particle. Many transition metals can form Mott insulators.

In addition, many transition metals can form X2O3 oxides.

The metal group capable of forming MOTT insulator Oxides includes Li, Be, C,
Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr,
Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os,
Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Pb, Bi, Po, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb,
Lu, Th, U, Np, and Pu.

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