Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net> wrote:

> I don't see your point. I used to do this test with a hose producing 75 kW
> at Hydrodynamics Inc. It worked fine. The results were close to the expected
> amount from that heater.
> If that was a Griggs device I wonder if your memory might be failing you,
> like mine has been failing me.  Didn't Griggs use around 7 hp motors and
> achieve much less than a COP of 2, more like 1.2?

He had small ones but I tested huge ones. They could be set to produce no
excess, in which case this method recovered about 90% of the input energy,
as I recall. It was tricky to make them produce excess. You could tell the
thing was in the excess mode by the sound.

You can see a photo a huge one here:


- Jed

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