On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 6:12 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> I think Mary needs to prove to us that she knows anything about
> calorimetry and has published on the subject.  I have seen no evidence at
> all.  Why is she more believable than Rossi?

Try addressing the issues I raised instead of attacking me personally.  If
I don't know anything about it, the issues won't make sense and are easily
refuted.  Jouni tried to refute the issues but she got nowhere because I
was able to counter her argument point for point.  I couldn't do that
without knowing calorimetry.  You're using the logical fallacy of appeal to
authority.  Forget that I claim to be an authority.  Discuss the points I
make instead.

Anyway, if I'm not believable that doesn't mean Rossi is.  Another logical
fallacy.  Know which one?

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