5 months after the 23 March 1989 P and F announcement which may have helped Piantelli to understand he was seeing a "Cold Fusion", as it was called back then, effect. I suspect Rossi's burnt finger tip happened when it touched a piece of Nickel in his bio fuel converter system that should not be hot. I find it interesting that Larsen believes there may be LENR reactions happening in automotive catalytic converters and elsewhere in natural systems. He may be right. Starts at page 39: http://www.slideshare.net/lewisglarsen/lattice-energy-llc-len-rs-in-catalytic-convertersjune-25-2010


On 11/27/2011 8:02 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:
- 16 August 1989. Francesco Piantelli at the Department of Physics of the Universityof Siena, accidentally discovers the phenomenon of Ni-H while working on a project of Biophysics;the effect of hydrogen on gangliosides on a support of Ni lamina

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