Did anyone try the "Water Tree" experiment?


On 11/29/2011 3:25 PM, Rich Murray wrote:
Thanks for your appreciation -- here's more on the topic:

self-organizing networks can develop simple test kits for metal
isotope anomalies in 'water tree' corrosion of thin polyethylene
films, re T Kumazawa 2005 -- 2008 Japan: Rich Murray 2011.06.03

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 1:39 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat
<aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Thanks for the interesting read:
Amazing the amount of transmutation products found in "Water Trees". Will
talk to a few friends in the local power utility to see what they know of
from first hand experience.


On 11/28/2011 12:55 AM, Rich Murray wrote:
Yes, the Widom-Larsen network is sharing many reasonable, evidence
driven lines of new research, including water tree corrosion in high
density polyethylene insulation in high voltage AC power cables:

reactive gas micro and nano bubbles complicate Widom-Larsen theory re
electrolytic cells -- metal isotope anomalies in 'water tree'
corrosion of power cable polyethylene insulation, T Kumazawa et al
2005 -- 2008 Japan: Rich Murray 2011.06.02


within mutual service,  Rich Murray

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 2:02 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat
<aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>    wrote:

5 months after the 23 March 1989 P and F announcement which may have
Piantelli to understand he was seeing a "Cold Fusion", as it was called
then, effect. I suspect Rossi's burnt finger tip happened when it touched
piece of Nickel in his bio fuel converter system that should not be hot.
find it interesting that Larsen believes there may be LENR reactions
happening in automotive catalytic converters and elsewhere in natural
systems. He may be right. Starts at page 39:



On 11/27/2011 8:02 PM, Peter Gluck wrote:
- 16 August 1989. Francesco Piantelli  at the Department of Physics of
Universityof Siena, accidentally discovers the phenomenon of Ni-H while
working on a project of Biophysics;the effect of hydrogen on
gangliosides on
a support of Ni lamina

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