This is not the first time you complain to Bill Beaty and nothing happens.
Perhaps it is time for you(and me, btw) to move to another list or forum,
given that the original guidelines are not followed?

2012/1/22 Jed Rothwell <>

> I would like to quote the founding policies of this discussion group,
> written by Bill Beaty:
> "NO SNEERING. Ridicule, derision, scoffing, and ad-hominem is banned.
> "Pathological Skepticism" is banned (see the link.) The tone here should be
> one of legitimate disagreement and respectful debate.
> Vortex-L is a big nasty nest of 'true believers' (hopefully having
> some tendency to avoid self-deception,) and skeptics may as well leave
> in disgust. But if your mind is open and you wish to test "crazy"
> claims rather than ridiculing them or explaining them away, hop on board!"
> See also:
> Many people who have shown up here lately seem to be unaware of these
> rules, or they are unwilling to abide by them.
> They have been carrying out vendettas, writing insults, using off-color
> language, and calling other people here bad names. They do act according to
> academic decorum, which calls for a large measure of polite hypocrisy. Some
> degree of "ridicule, derision, scoffing, and ad-hominem" is inevitable. It
> is human nature. But there has been far too much lately.
> These people include Mary Yugo, Axil Axil, John Milstone, Eff Wivakeef and
> others. You know who you are. If you will not stop this childish nonsense,
> I ask you to shut up and go away. I ask Bill Beaty to ban you. I have been
> adding you to my personal kill file, but there seems to be so many of you
> lately, and you are so noisy, you are interfering with scientific
> discourse, and perverting the spirit of this forum.
> The Internet is unbounded. You can form your own discussion group. You can
> subscribe to this group while you post your attacks and ad hominem
> elsewhere. Or take it to VortexB-L. Of course we welcome your contributions
> to the technical discussion here.
> - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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