Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

This is not the first time you complain to Bill Beaty and nothing happens.

He will probably act sooner or later. He is like me, a procrastinator.

He rules with a light hand.

> Perhaps it is time for you(and me, btw) to move to another list or forum,
> given that the original guidelines are not followed?

Give Bill a little time.

These eruptions usually go away on their own, when noisy opponents get
tired of repeating themselves. However, this spate of bad behavior has gone
on for several weeks, and I sense it is getting worse. It was probably
brought about by mass media coverage of Rossi. Rossi's flamboyant behavior
contributes to it.

Some coverage of Rossi's weird behavior and his roller-coaster business
model is inevitable. Like the guy in the beer commercial, he is the most
interesting man in the world. "He is the life of parties he has never
attended" -- including this one, here at Vortex. I am not suggesting we
should impose an iron-clad rule that only science can be discussed. But I
think a line has been crossed when an Internet stalker who has it in for
Greg Watson comes barging in and posts lunatic messages filled with harsh
language. Let us have old fashioned decorum! "Always be sincere, whether
you mean it or not." (M. Flanders)

- Jed

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