I'm all for transparency and god knows Rossi needs to sort out his translations for the avoidance of doubt.  But transparency works BOTH ways.  You can't have transparency on ONE side only!  Pathological sceptics are rarely transparent and usually have their own agenda.  So sitting there demanding transparency from Rossi while they languish in the safety of anonymity while firing accusations and character assasinations themselves is hypocritical and makes a mockery.

It's double standards - pure and simple.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Opponents should please go away and form your own
From: Dusty <d_bra...@bellsouth.net>
Date: Mon, January 23, 2012 10:27 am
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com

A lot more transparancy would negate the need for 'open' minds.

Sadly, Rossi = Fail.

Any University would be happy to test his device under an NDA and blackbox..

How you gonna change the world without coming out into the light? He could have protected his IP and changed the world, but alas chooses to hide behind smoke screens. Why? Because he has something to hide.

Now excuse me while go brush my teeth. (Just threw up in my mouth a little).

Craig Brown <cr...@overunity.co> wrote:

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