On 2012-04-23 20:38, Jed Rothwell wrote:

If it is 400% excess, as claimed, it has to be more than milliwatt-range
excess heat. Look at the slides of the equipment, meters and power
supplies. I do not think it is likely they are inputting ~100 mW and
getting out ~400 mW. I doubt they could measure that.

I hope it is as you say. However, subtle wording details in the original letter sent to 22passi by eng. Ugo Abundo make it look like they don't have clear-cut experimental data, although this might just be my impression. I'm being ultra-cautious because given the exposure it's currently receiving (and will further receive), this story can potentially end up really bad for many people.

I'll post more details here as soon as they will be disclosed, anyway. More detailed photos of the experimental set-up should come soon too.


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