Michele Comitini wrote:

The patent idea to protect further open source development with this
setup is just wonderful.

I agree!

If this works it will send a strong message to Rossi that he should stop sitting around hatching one scheme after another. He should get serious, file patents, sell machines, and sign agreements with big companies. Rossi has a tremendous lead now, but it will not last forever. His position resembles that the Wright brothers in 1908. It took them 5 years to learn how to make effective airplanes (1900 - 1905). They thought it would take everyone else 5 years to catch up. They did not realize that their patent plus their example -- flying in front of huge crowds 100 m in the air for an hour more -- would spur their competition to work much faster than they did. R&D that took them 5 years was replicated by others in 5 months. Their designs were soon made obsolete. I get a sense they dithered. They did not rush ahead the way their competition did. Their patent was upheld, so they made about a million bucks, which was a lot of money back then. People such as Lord Northcliffe (Alfred Harmsworth) said they could have made a lot more than that. Northcliff knew them well, and admired them. He was a savvy businessman and media mogul.

- Jed

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