Akira Shirakawa <shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I hope it is as you say. However, subtle wording details in the original
> letter sent to 22passi by eng. Ugo Abundo make it look like they don't have
> clear-cut experimental data . . .

It wouldn't surprise me if they don't.

> I'm being ultra-cautious because given the exposure it's currently
> receiving (and will further receive), this story can potentially end up
> really bad for many people.

Hey, no big deal if they are wrong. They are just high school kids.

Still, I am going to hold off putting this in a News Item at LENR-CANR.org.
I will wait for more details.

The News Items at LENR-CANR.org are way behind events and they only cover a
small fraction of total events. Because I am lazy.

I wonder if Krivit has covered this?

- Jed

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