Suddenly you admit that the authors don't believe the field is 3000V/cm within 
the electrolyte?  Maybe you should read the paper again in order to fully 
understand it.

> Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2012 01:25:36 -0500
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com; vortex-l@eskimo.com
> From: a...@lomaxdesign.com
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims      of 
> effects of  external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting  electrolyte: 
> Rich Murray  2012.03.01 2012.07.02
> At 12:00 PM 7/4/2012, Finlay MacNab wrote:
> >Your argument assumes that the there is no air 
> >gap between the dielectric and the charged 
> >plates.  It also assumes that the electrolyte 
> >behaves like a regular 100ohm resistor.
> The plates are against the cell walls. Sure, you 
> can make up an air gap. It would be small and 
> have almost no effect on the analysis.
> Yes. The electrolyte, within bounds, behaves 
> somewhat like a resistor. In fact, the resistance 
> changes under real conditions, it's noisy, as I 
> mentioned. Noisy resistor, and there is 
> capacitance in parallel and in series with the 
> resistor, if you want a more complete model. The 
> details are completely swamped by the magnitude 
> of the problem. The effect on the electrolyte and 
> all that is immersed in it is minute.
> And I seriously doubt the competence of anyone 
> who asserts otherwise, after seeing the problem. 
> I very much doubt that anyone from SPAWAR will 
> defend that paper, and I do think it likely that we will see some comment.
> It was just an error, and it does not impeach the vast bulk of their work.
> >In this case, where the movement of ions in 
> >electrolyte is dominated by diffusion and mixing 
> >from the gas bubbles generated by redox 
> >reactions at the two, in solution, electrodes 
> >the electrolyte does not behave like a 100ohm 
> >resistor.  Your treatment of the system as two 
> >dielectrics sandwiched between three metal 
> >plates is not sufficient to describe the system.
> That isn't my description of the system. It is 
> two dielectrics between two metal plates, not 
> three, and between the two dielecrics (acrylic) 
> is an electrolyte, that is, water with a 
> substance dissolved so that it will conduct a 
> substantial current with a modest voltage.
> Absolutely, modeling the electrolyte with a 
> resistor is primitive. But the difference in the 
> behavior of the electrolyte, due to error in this 
> model, with respect to the division of the high 
> voltage across the three regions, will be insignificant.
> >You don't know if mixing and diffusion within 
> >the electrolyte and the extremely low mobility 
> >of solvated ions would allow an external 
> >electric field to exist within the electrolyte 
> >and allow electrophoretic and other field 
> >induced effects to influence the near surface of the Pd film.
> I know that an equipotential surface exists 
> inside the cell that will totally screen any 
> effects on this cell from what is beyond that. 
> The current from the high voltage supply, through 
> the electrolyte, will be in the picoamp range, 
> that is completely necessary, because the only 
> conduction path is through two plates with very 
> high resistance. This current is totally swamped 
> by noise from many sources. Likewise the voltage 
> experienced by the electrolyte stemming from the high voltage supply.
> Finlay, don't immolate yourself on trying to be 
> right. You know enough to get into trouble, to 
> make up complex explanations that ignore the 
> obvious. The electrolyte is a decent conductor, 
> the LiCl salt has been added for that purpose, 
> and that purpose alone. Ohms law still applies 
> with current, voltage, and resistance through an 
> electrolyte. Power dissipation is still current 
> times voltage. Kirchoff's Law still applies with electrolytes.
> >Finally,  the only mention of the strength of 
> >the electric field in the paper: "the cell 
> >placement in an electric field (2500–3000 V 
> >cm-1)" refers to the entire cell, it does not 
> >refer to the field within the electrolyte.  The 
> >authors never assert that the field strength is 
> >3000 V/cm within the electrolyte.
> The cell is placed in an electric field with that 
> strength before the cell is placed in it. In 
> fact, with the cell in place, loaded with 
> electrolyte, the field strength becomes much 
> quite a bit higher, within the acrylic, and far, 
> far lower within the electrolyte. They imply that 
> the field within the cell would be substantial 
> enough to affect cell chemistry, when the field 
> within the cell is actually truly miniscule, 
> swamped by noise in the other sources of voltage, 
> specifically the electrolytic power supply, as 
> well as the electrochemical phenomena taking place.
> Basically, there is a region about an inch wide. 
> It is between two plates. The plates have 6 KV 
> between them. The cell is placed in that space. 
> The electric field is no longer uniform, as it 
> was before the cell was placed. Specifying the 
> electric field strength, instead of the total 
> field, is pretty strange, except this is what 
> they were thinking they were doing, they thought 
> they were subjecting the cathode to an enhanced 
> electric field. It's really pretty silly, I'm 
> sure that there are some stories behind this.
> Frankly, if I didn't think this awfully unlikely 
> coming from SPAWAR, I'd think the whole thing was 
> a joke, a parody on cold fusion research.
> >Your assertion that the authors claim that the 
> >effects result from high fields is not born out 
> >by their treatment of the electrolyte, 
> >interphase region, and bulk Pd regions of the cell.
> The title of the paper? The effect of an external 
> electric field on surface morphology of
> co-deposited Pd/D films
> There isn't any "bulk Pd" in this cell, by the way.
> The abstract says "The polarized PdD electrode 
> undergoes significant morphological changes when 
> exposed to an external electric field."
> That implies that the electrode (cathode, in this 
> case) is "exposed to ... the field," wouldn't you 
> say? But it isn't. From the position of the 
> electrode, no detectable effect of the field, as 
> a field, would be discoverable. No detectable 
> force would be acting on the cathode resulting 
> from the field being turned on. Note that in this 
> experiment, the current is increased 
> simultaneously with the field setup, doubled to 
> 100 mA. That will have a far greater effect. 
> There is no indication of controls.
> How about "The effect of a homeopathic dose of 
> plutonium, 30X, on the surface morphology of 
> co-deposited Pd/D films"? Frankly, it's as 
> likely. More likely, in my book. But it's 
> obvious. Some people don't immediately see the 
> problem. We've seen some here who don't see it 
> even with presented with big blinking signs and short or long explanations.
> The total electric field -- voltage gradient -- 
> experienced by something immersed in a conductive 
> electrolyte, placed inside an electric field, 
> cannot exceed the voltage across the electrolyte. 
> Voltage across the electrolyte is voltage across 
> the electrolyte, it will cause a proportional 
> current to flow, in accordance with the nature of 
> the electrolyte. It's not a linear resistor, 
> that's true, but also highly misleading here. The 
> electric field cannot possibly cause more than a 
> very small leakage current to flow, I calculated 
> it as in the picoamp region. That is not nearly 
> enough to affect *anything* in the cell, 
> materially, there are far higher currents 
> present, that are thenselves noisier at much 
> higher levels. There is no discriminable field 
> found inside the cell, in the electrolyte, coming 
> from the high voltage supply. That supply might 
> have another effect, though, I mention it below.
> >Thus your assertion that the authors' manuscript 
> >contains a "shocking analytical error" is not 
> >accurate.  Your comment that a retraction of the 
> >paper would be useful and that the paper is an 
> >example of subjective judgements is highly 
> >inflammatory and unjustified.  These comments, 
> >being insufficiently supported, are incredibly 
> >insulting to the authors of the paper and to the entire SPAWAR group.
> Not nearly as insulting as allowing this to 
> stand, when anyone with half a brain and a bit of 
> knowledge about how electrical fields work, such 
> as any technician who has ever worked with high 
> voltage, can see the problem at a glance, should they happen to look.
> Look, I have correspondence with people involved 
> with SPAWAR, and with the senior scientists in 
> the field. If I'm wrong, they will tell me, they 
> are not shy. I won't necessarily repeat what I 
> find in inquiring about this, I have some 
> suspicions that I'd rather not voice. Just some 
> political stuff. But I do intend to ask them. 
> It's up to them if they care about their reputation.
> But I care about it anyway. Otherwise why bother 
> with this trivial BS? SPAWAR has done a pile of valuable work.
> "Subjective judgments" Aw, Geez. I just reread 
> the paper more carefully. It's far worse than I 
> thought. There are too many problems to even 
> begin to address. Something went dreadfully wrong 
> there. But I'll start with "subjective." There is 
> nothing in the paper to indicate how the 
> differences were seen other than someone's report 
> that something looked different. Different from 
> what? There is a lot of questionable theory and 
> not much objective observation or data. There are 
> photographs showing morphology, but no controls 
> beyond one photo of "normal" surface. Which 
> doesn't look that much different from what they 
> show as one of the "electric field" images.
> I'll point to one piece of text:
> >3.3. Effect of electric field
> >By placing an operating electrochemical cell, a part of the
> >field energy is transferred to the cell. In particular, the
> >electrostatic field affects each individual subsystems, viz.
> >electrolyte, interphase and bulk electrode, in a different way.
> >Moreover, the action may be either direct or indirect; in the
> >latter case, it affects a process which is not directly
> >connected with the presence of the electrical charge.
> First of all, the first sentence is incomplete. I 
> think they meant to say, "by placing an operating 
> electrochemical cell in an electric field, a part 
> of the field energy is transferred to the cell." 
> Sure. A miniscule amount of energy is 
> transferred, once. It's not clear whether or not 
> they placed the cell in an existing field or 
> turned on the power with the cell operating, I 
> saw other text that implied the latter.
> When the power supply is on, power dissipation in 
> the acrylic, each side, would be about 3000V x 1 
> pA, or about 3 nanowatts. At the same time, there 
> isa bout a watt being dissipated in the cell, from the electrolytic current.
> I don't see what they are saying except filling 
> space with words. A field would have different 
> effects on different objects. That needs to be 
> said? There is no specificity here. It all 
> assumes that there is, within the cell, an 
> "electrostatic field" created by the external 
> field. There is no such field, not within the 
> electrolyte, which covers the subsystems mentioned.
> I see a report that
> >The first noticeable effect, after placing the cell in an
> >electric field, is the “swelling” of the co-deposited PdD
> >material followed by a displacement toward the negative
> >plate of the capacitor.
> Is that an effect of "placing the cell in an 
> electric field" (which is an odd way of 
> describing turning on the power, one ordinarily 
> attemps to avoid disturbing codeposition cells, 
> the plating can fall off the wire at the 
> slightest excuse), or is it an effect of doubling 
> the electrolytic current? The two actions took 
> place simultaneously, according to the 
> description at the beginning of the article.
> Palladium swells as it is loaded with deuterium, 
> that's a very well-known effect. Increasing the 
> current can increase the loading and, in fact, 
> that's the normal desired effect of increasing the current.
> The purpose of the work was to explore the role 
> of forces acting on the surface of a deposited 
> cathode in developing the complex morphology that 
> is found. They jump from this into an attempt to 
> apply a force using an "external electric field." 
> This implies that the field would exert some 
> force on the surface. They never consider the 
> magnitude of such a force, they seem to assume 
> that it would be present, giving some quite 
> complex reasons that don't seem to make sense.
> This paper is truly embarrassing. I kind of wish I hadn't looked.
> Note: a high voltage supply like that might have 
> some gross effect on the cell. If there is noise 
> in the supply, the cell might vibrate. Vibration 
> of the cell could certainly affect morphology.
> All this has no significance with respect to cold 
> fusion. They aren't reporting any effect on heat 
> generation here, and using an "external electric 
> field" did not become any part of any protocol that I know of.
> They believed they saw something and maybe they 
> did see something (perhaps that vibration effect, 
> just a guess of mine). As far as I know, nobody 
> has confirmed this work. The images are used 
> sometimes to show the complex surfaces of 
> codeposited CF cathodes, they are useful for 
> that. Really, as far as I can tell, these are 
> just SEM images of codep cathodes, no clue as to 
> whether or not these were active with a nuclear 
> reaction. One might notice that the surfaces are 
> quite varied. Were all these varied cathode 
> surfaces created with the exact same conditions? 

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