I am asking what the missing piece is?  Why don't I see a Papp engine being 
sold anywhere?  It's been 30 years, right?  When something is said to be real 
and is taking more than 30 years to commercialize; I don't know about you but 
that raises a few questions in my mind.  The same criticism goes for Randal 
Mills and others.  What is the holdup?

Rossi is not taking more than 30 years so he has a bit more credibility.

Can I buy a fully functional engine from Rohner right now?  An engine that I 
can hook to my 2KW generator so that I can have free power?

And yes, I did see your post but a kit is a far cry from a fully functional 
engine.  Why doesn't he sell a fully functional engine?  I am prepared to buy 
one now if he has one for sale even it it is not certified.


PS.  As for badmouthing Bambi, it is never a waste of time to correct the 
criminal actions of a usurper-in-chief.   "All it takes for evil to triumph is 
for good men to do nothing."   Judging from the tone of your criticism of my 
badmouthing of bambi, that you think I am out of place and unfair to do so?  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Axil Axil 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Noble Gas Plasma Engine

  John Rehner has done the same thing that Robert Godes founder of Brillouin 
Energy has done; create a nanoeceond high power elecric pulse controller. 

  Like any engine, timing is all important. With proper timing the engine will 
run will with little or no bad nuclear byproducts.

  What John Rehner wants to sell is his control boards, his freqency generator, 
and his spark controller.   

  The cost of his engine in mass production is $300. It can be built mostly of 

  Rohner is hoping the customers will buy his stuff rather than build the 
engine on their own. It is open source and not protected in any way since the 
patent is laped long ago.

  You saw may post on the kit Rohner sells, right... or were you too occupied 
in bad mouthing Obama (aka... a waste of time)?



  Cheers:    Axil

  On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 11:12 PM, Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com> wrote:

    Axil and others, What would it take to commercialize the Papp engine.  In 
other words, what else is needed in terms of development that still needs to be 
done for the first commercial engine that I can buy from Lowe's.  How much 
money would it take for it to become a real engine that can drive my generator.

    If it is not at this level, what else needs to be done.  I'm pretty sure it 
is NOT just a matter of throwing money into it.  I don't believe it is just a 
matter of raising funds for its development cause I can't believe that there 
isn't a millionaire out there who would not jump at the chance to fund this 
technology if it is real.  There has got to be still some fundamental issue 
with it why it is still not a real engine.  What is that issue?

    I am not familiar with Papp engine technology so I am asking anyone who can 


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Axil Axil 
      To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
      Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:11 AM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:Noble Gas Plasma Engine

      You response confuses me.

      Jouni said:

      Better, are you serious? 

      Axil thinks:

      You state the Rossi's reactor is superior in concept. True?

      Journi said:

      This engine would immediately transform Earth Civilization into Star Trek 
age (by 2014 into Type I and by 2050 even into Type II civilization at 
Kardashev scale). With this engine, we could travel into Mars in just six days 
and into nearby stars in one generation.

      Axil states:

      IMO, this is possible. But do you still think that the Rossi reactor is 

      Journi said:

      Although this is far better than any perpetual motion machine fancier has 
ever hoped for, I am a big fan of this thing. Not that I would not think that 
it is way too good to be true, but it feels just utterly good to take some 
vacations from reality and go Rohner's web pages and dream a little bit of 
fairy-tale world, where there are no scarcity from any material needs. 

      Axil states:

      I take this statement as an full throated endorsement of the engine.

      Journi said:

      Probably this is not real, because Rohner is religious and religion is 
somewhat antithesis for being smart, creative and scientific. It is sad, but 
that's the way it is. Same argument goes also for Rossi.

      Axil states:

      Papp and Rossi are two peas in the same pod; brilliant, paranoid and 

      Papp stumbled onto the reaction and was smart enough to try to 
commercialize it. He could not do it because of his personality and lack of 
trust. And other people have been building on his work since 1982, that is 30 
years, a very long time.

      John Rohner is smart, trusting enough, cooperative enough, a great team 
player, has the right electronics background, is down to earth, and dogged 
enough to bring the engine to market.

      Journi said:

      I would say that currently our best shot is in Celani. It would be huge 
boost for cold fusion research if he could make it replicable and that he could 
present a first ever convincing demonstration of cold fusion apparatus!

      Axil states:

      Celani is still working on LENR. Rossi is two generations(LENR++) ahead 
of him and Rohner is way ahead of them all.

      The Papp engine can get a UL certification next week; it is so benign in 
nature. It may take other LENR developers many years or even decades to get 
that far in commercialization.

      The Papp process is open source and is very attractive because of that... 
from the standpoint of commercialization.

      LENR commercialization is key to general acceptance of LENR as a 

      Cheers:   Axil

      On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Jouni Valkonen <jounivalko...@gmail.com> 

        On 9 August 2012 02:12, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote: 
          From a systems engineering standpoint, it is a far better energy 
system than the Rossi reactor because high efficiency is possible without high 
heat production.

        Better, are you serious? This engine would immediately transform Earth 
Civilization into Star Trek age (by 2014 into Type I and by 2050 even into Type 
II civilization at Kardashev scale). With this engine, we could travel into 
Mars in just six days and into nearby stars in one generation.

        Although this is far better than any perpetual motion machine fancier 
has ever hoped for, I am a big fan of this thing. Not that I would not think 
that it is way too good to be true, but it feels just utterly good to take some 
vacations from reality and go Rohner's web pages and dream a little bit of 
fairy-tale world, where there are no scarcity from any material needs. 

        Probably this is not real, because Rohner is religious and religion is 
somewhat antithesis for being smart, creative and scientific. It is sad, but 
that's the way it is. Same argument goes also for Rossi, btw.

        I would say that currently our best shot is in Celani. It would be huge 
boost for cold fusion research if he could make it replicable and that he could 
present a first ever convincing demonstration of cold fusion apparatus!


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