Weapons-grade Balonium....

Everyone with half a brain cell knows that what he released was faked. But I guess I can forgive you because you don't have half a brain cell.

You say that the Vault BC can not be obtained easily. You say they do not have procedures for getting the real Long Form Vault BC. You say this are not publicly accessible. You say there are no other "Vault" certificate Well, tell that to the Nordyke twins who were born within days of Bambi and they can show us their long form BC, which they obtained publicly, which they obtained easily within days of their request. Why doesn't bambi have something like the BC of the Nordyke twins. I suppose the Nordyke twins faked their long form BC to show to us; while bambi being a consumate muslim would not lie and hence his BC he posted was real. OK, whatever ....


PS. I know for a fact that Jesus Christ does not like lying so I am not lying. What I do know is that allah (aka Satan) is a liar and the father of lies. That is why, you as an allah slave have no compunction at all about your blatant lies. That is why Bin Laden has no compunction in lying to kill people.

(Remember, you started this religious attack. This is your third post with religious attacks. I never initiate a personal attack but I will give as good as I take.)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <a...@lomaxdesign.com>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>; <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 2:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Blather in the mass media makes scientists think we are crazy

At 11:39 AM 8/9/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
All your "eloquent" words are futile until such time as you can answer one simple question.

Why is bambi still hiding his real Vault Birth Certificate?

It makes no sense to do so, unless one is hiding something. This controversy will end 1 second after bambi releases his vault BC. There is no need to spend millions of taxpayer money for this. There is no need for all your "eloquent" speculations and explanations. Just do it and be done with it. Why continue the hiding?

Uh, Obama long ago released the Long Form Birth Certificate. That's the original document signed by the mother and attending physician.

There is no other "vault" certificate. The Hawaii Long Forms from then are kept in a bound volume. They are not publicly accessible. That, in fact, is why it took so long for Obama to release the Long Form. It took a special request and a special decision by the Health Department. You can't just request the Long Form, there is no procedure for it.

You are asking a loaded question, Jojo, that assumes something is being hidden. What makes you so certain of that, such that you can ask such a question and not simply be a liar, liar, pants on fire?

Do you imagine that Jesus loves liars and deceivers? All in a good cause? One test of the sincerity of faith is dedication to truth and honesty, regardless of implications, of reputation or "face."

The only other documents that would exist would be doctor's notes or notes taken by nurses. These are not "birth certificates" and they don't have legal force. They are used temporarily until the attending physicician -- or midwife or parent or other person, under unusual circumstances -- gets around to signing the thing. They are almost certainly long ago discarded. But they might exist, in old charts, if those are in an archive somewhere. Obama would not have access to them, not directly. But I suppose he could ask.

Why should he? The signed, attested documents, executed under laws that would penalize false statements, are legally the strongest documents that exist. Old notes would not supersede them, because notes can be wrong and nobody has signed them as being true.

I'm starting to doubt that Jojo is serious. This could merely be trolling.

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