At 08:40 PM 8/9/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Weapons-grade Balonium....

Everyone with half a brain cell knows that what he released was faked. But I guess I can forgive you because you don't have half a brain cell.

Attempting to use my quarter-cell, I wasted an entire day researching the birther claims. Let's say that Jojo's position appears to be that anyone who agrees with the strong majority of experts and commentators is stupid.

The evidence out there had me going for a short time. I found some stuff by Miss Tickle that seemed to show clear evidence of image alteration. I did suspect it, but, hey, it looked bad! So I checked it out further. Yes. I could see in the originals presented by Miss Tickle that the image was a jpeg and had been through lossy compression. I didn't know the specifics of this to be sure about the effect, but I did somewhat suspect that sections of the image, say the check boxes, were identical to other sections, at the pixel level, as being caused by the compression algorithm. I.e., one image of a box was repeated as being considered by the algorithm, as sufficiently identical to allow the transmission of a single image that is repeated.

So the real story: the images released were compressed. Like, that was obvious from a quick glance. If you look at the text on the LFBC, you'll see a halo around the text. That's an artifact of compression. If the image were not compressed, those images would be huge. Compressing images is routine in web presentations. I don't know if an uncompressed scan is available. Ideally, it should be. Lossy compression was used, because it is more effective. It's also possible that the images were enhanced to improve legibility.

But the real point is entirely missed. Legally, it's not the image that counts, it is the certification of the public official that the document is a true copy. If someone was taking such a certified document and altering it, presenting it publically, to obtain an advantage, that would probably be a felony, and one very easily established.

To obtain a legal right, one would have to present the original signed and sealed document. I've been through this. Copies are completely inadequate, unless themselves certified under oath (and thus penalty of perjury). You can't get a passport, for example, by presenting an uncertified copy of a birth certificate. You need a certified copy, with the state seal and an original official signature.

I saw all kinds of crazy reasons given why the LFBC must be a forgery. For example, there is another LFBC out there for the same hospital, a birth the next day or so. It's a standard old-time copy, the kind I've gotten many times when I've requested a copy of my birth certificate (from 1944, Los Angeles). It's a negative, there was a common method of making cheap copies before xerography, quasi-photographic. The recent copy provided by the state to Obama for release is xerographic, probably, or perhaps scanned and printed, on the green security paper. Again, I think I've seen copies like that.

In addition, there is an issue of the serial numbers. There seems to be an assumption that births at the same hospital will necessarily be serialized in order of birth. Nope. It depends on exact procedures. I don't know the exact procedure, and even if I did, there would be no guarantee that this procedure was actually followed in 1961 in this particular case. Clerks do all kinds of irregular things, and all they really care about with the serial numbers is that no two birth certificates have the same number. Sequence is legally meaningless, so no major effort is put into it. Once you realize that the number on the certificate is not the sequence of birth, that the numbers are state-assigned and that births are coming in from many hospitals and other sources (not all babies are born in hospitals) and that registration of births can be substantially delayed, both within and without the law, the numbers really don't mean anything.

The birthers are able to assert a huge pile of "signs" that the birth certificate(s) are bogus. These assertions are contradictory to each other. For example, the name of the hospital is claimed to be an anachronism, in one set of birther claims, while others show the twin births at the same hospital and allege the problem with serial number sequence, and still others claim that the twin birth certificates are themselves forgeries, because the mother was allegedly a communist, or something like that.

Sane conservatives have long ago abandoned the birther myth. We are, here, not dealing with a sane conservative. We are dealing with a fanatic.

You say that the Vault BC can not be obtained easily. You say they do not have procedures for getting the real Long Form Vault BC. You say this are not publicly accessible.

That's been noted by the official in charge. However, there are also inconsistent statements out there. All this points to what should be commonly known. People make mistakes. Someone somewhere assumed that the paper originals had been destroyed, and said so. That was an error, plain and simple. It does appear that you can get a long form certificate on some showing that you need it. There is a fee, and these are not, like short form certificates, available over the counter immediately.

It did take special permission to get a long form copy. Others have obtained such copies. It's a different and more difficult procedure than obtaining the short form copy, which is quickly done because all they need to do is put some security paper in the printer and press a button. That will be $10, please.

You say there are no other "Vault" certificate Well, tell that to the Nordyke twins who were born within days of Bambi and they can show us their long form BC, which they obtained publicly, which they obtained easily within days of their request. Why doesn't bambi have something like the BC of the Nordyke twins.

There is no "bambi." The Obama LFBC and the Nordyke twins LFBC look identical to me. Maybe there is a different Nordyke twins LFBC than what I've seen, but the image that was widely shown was a negative, obtained by the woman years ago (1966, actually, the date is on it). The Obama copy is a positive, like what I've seen more recently from birth certificates; made by a xerographic process or possibly even scanned and printed. The original in both cases looks like the same form. In fact, that point has been made, it's been asserted that Obama's LF was fraudulently assembled from the Nordyke twins LFBC. You can't have it both ways.... unless you are a birther.

The reasonable meaning for "vault" certificate would be the copy that is in a bound volume, kept under lock, i.e., unauthorized access is not allowed. Apparently that copy has been shown to some people, they have reported seeing it. The released version Obama LFBC was clearly a photo or xerox of the bound copy, you can see the distortion where the binding exists. The bound copy is not on security paper, by the way.

Jojo, I investigated this from your claims, and your claims are bogus, made-up. You are totally incautious about what you say. Yes, the Nordyke twins were born within days of Obama, at the same hospital. The image shown widely did not come with a statement of provenance, showing what you seem to claim as established knowledge, a recent acquisition "within days of their request." If so, they would be different. These were old negative copies. At least that's how it looks from a shallow one day of research. And, today, a few minutes ago, I realized that the Nordyke certificates would have the date of certification on them, so I looked. 1966.

See a birther report, very clearly, that radically misrepresents many features of the certificates. For example, it questions the security paper background, as if this were something added by Obama. No, the Hawaii Department of Health obviously provided the copy on security paper, the same as the short form. That's a modern practice, I've seen it with other birth certificates.

The "Report" treats the normal artifacts of pdf compression as if they were suspicious. I can affirm that I'd love to see an uncompressed image of the certificate. But it would be a huge file, and downloads of this would place high demands on the server....

From the "LFBC Report final draft,", as examples of the issues raised:

ÂÂWhy is there an odd excessive typesetting space between the
number 4 and comma in the birth date?

Well, one of the likely explanations is that the typist preparing the certificate was interrupted. I've typed forms on a manual typewriter, and Stuff Happens. The paper is not necessarily firmly held in the typewriter, the typist may release it many times, making adjustments to get the typing to fit in the form spaces. Yes, it's odd that it would happen in the middle of entering the date. But lots of things in life are odd.

“African” is not a race. Would “American” be a race? It may not
be politically correct, but in 1961, the option for race would
have been Negro—not “African” which is another odd artifact
out of place with the context of the historical time and place—
an anachronism.

The information on the father would be supplied by the mother, generally. If the mother said, "African," it's quite possible that it would be accepted. Given that the father *was* African, i.e., Kenyan, it's not surprising at all. By 1961, and given that the father was a student, and not at all under the influence of American ideas about race, "African" is not an anomaly or anachronism. Race is not a reality, it's a social convention. I would be horrified to see my daughter called "Negro." She is Kambata. Even "Ethiopian" would tell you almost nothing relating to "race." You'd never get what she looks like from it, unless you imagine that all people with dark skin look alike-- and her skin is much darker than "Ethiopian" might imply -- and "Negro" would say far, far less. Only to "whites" would "Negro" make much sense, and Hawaii, as a vibrant, multicultural society, even then, would be unlikely to insist on narrow racial categories.

What "option for race"? It's a blank to be filled in. If the mother only said "African," a typist is supposed to correct it? Really?

ÂÂSpeaking of anachronisms—in 1961, when typewriters were
used, the typist would move to the next line, and items started
in a standard left margin (unless the typist purposely tabbed
over to a different location on the document). Thus most of the
left margin text would consistently line up at the same point.

Depends on whether or not the typist releases the document. Different typewriters had different levels of possible release. You could release, maintaining horizontal position, or completely release the paper. I had many different typewriters over the years.

Figure 13 is explained below, and can be used to compare the
margin line text in the Nordyke certificate with Obama’s in
Figure 12. Nothing is properly aligned in Obama’s document.

Different typists did different things. It would take much more detailed analysis than this "expert" provided, and it's all legally irrelevant. In order to demonstrate Obama's citizenship through a birth certificate, presenting an image would be legally inadequate, ordinarily. One would have to present the state-certified and sealed document. See below. I've been through all this, I had to establish my birth about a half-dozen times in the process of adopting two children. Copies, no good. Sealed, notarized documents necessary, with state certification of the notarization.... and then in the case of China, the Chinese embassy's certification of the state certification....

ÂÂFigure 12 v Figure 13: If Obama was born the day before the
birth date shown in Figure 13, then why would his certificate
number be greater? Wouldn’t a smaller certificate number
be consistent with the earlier birth date and the earlier Date
Accepted (filed date)?

This, as noted by WND, depends on state procedures for assigning numbers, where the only concern is the uniqueness of the number, there is no precaution to maintain date sequence, and, in fact, that is nearly impossible. It's unclear what the procedure was, and some sources seem to make unwarranted assumptions about the process. It is not clear when or where the number is assigned. The Nordyke mother seemed to assume that numbers were assigned when she went into labor, which is highly unlikely. Without knowing the actual process, we could speculate about the numbers until the cows come home. All legally irrelevant.

ÂÂWhere is the State seal? Who has an official birth certificate
document that is missing a seal?

These seals often don't copy well. I've seen certified documents without the seals, in fact, sometimes the signature is considered enough, it varies from state to state. Legally, the seal makes it harder to forge a document, but with any document that is going to be widely examined, forgery is *extremely unlikely*, since the official whose certification is being forged (i.e., the certified document is altered from what he or she attested is a true copy of what's on file) is being impersonated, in effect, is likely to object! And if he or she doesn't object, they might be then vulnerable to negligence charges, at best.

The original document is presumably still in the bound volume, and could easily be examined under court order. Without that order, these are private documents, accessible only according to the rules. Parents are given a copy of the original long form, typically, at at one time, these copies may have been readily available. With computerization of records, obviously in Hawaii, they prefer to give out the short form, which contains information that was more easily digitized, and which can be printed on security paper.

ÂÂWhy is there a background pattern? The Obama administration
claims the pattern was added for security purposes—but isn’t
that admitting to altering the document? Is the administration
trying to create a frame of hiding the edits in plain site by
saying “Yes, we edited the document to add security paper.”
And why would this even be necessary?

This is *totally stupid.* Brraaappp! The birth certificate was issued on security paper. I've gotten these. They photocopy it onto security paper, and only the original document, unaltered, has legal force. That's why it's ordinarily embossed with a seal, in fact. It's a lot harder to alter the seal.

I would assume that if the Obama administration actually wanted to forge a document, they would use CIA-level skilled personnel to do it. And you'd not see anything suspicious, exccept for the kinds of suspicion that birthers can invent *about anything*. They would use security paper, they would make a seal if they need to, or "borrow" one.

ÂÂWhy would the date at the bottom of the document display
different type fonts? The font used for the year is clearly a
different font than the one used for the day. Under what
circumstances would you change fonts while typing a date?
Even if a stamp was used to stamp a date, wouldn’t the stamp
be made with the same consistent font?

Not necessarily. One clerk might use an alterable date stamp, which will often have different fonts for the day and year. The year is not alterable, these stamps had the full four-digit year as one setting. Likewise the 12 months. Another might use separate stamps. This "expert" is utterly ignorant of what original documents would look like. If this were a forged document, the forger would surely attempt to make the document look as much alike similar documents from the time as possible.

Jojo continues his rant:

I suppose the Nordyke twins faked their long form BC to show to us; while bambi being a consumate muslim would not lie and hence his BC he posted was real. OK, whatever ....

Once birthers realized that the Nordyke twins documents actually confirmed certain aspects of the Obama document, they started claiming that the Nordyke twins LFBCs were forged, that Nordyke was a communist, and we all know about communists, right?

I think it extremely likely that the posted Obama LFBC is thoroughly authentic, through multiple evidences. This has nothing to do with anyone being Muslim. It does have to do with some people being of ordinary intelligence or higher. And some others not.

There is no reason to doubt the Nordyke twins LFBCs, which were *not* as this birther claims. Jojo wrote, to repeat:

You say there are no other "Vault" certificate Well, tell that to the Nordyke twins who were born within days of Bambi and they can show us their long form BC, which they obtained publicly, which they obtained easily within days of their request. Why doesn't bambi have something like the BC of the Nordyke twins.

This is a typical fanatic debate tactic, to claim that a third party must be lying if what the opponent says is true.

The Nordyke LFBCs were released some years ago. Jojo provides, as usual, no source for his claim about provenance. One has to search to try to confirm his claims; he treats the necessary information as if it were common knowledge.

Obama's LFBC looks identical in form to the Nordyke twins certificates. However, Jojo, if he's actually familiar with the evidence, or there is some *other* set of Nordyke birth certificates out there, is lying. The Nordyke certificate that I just looked at was certified in 1966. So the kids were five years old and the mother needed a copy of the birth certificates. They were copies of the long form. The short form probably did not exist then, at all. That form was developed when the records were computerized, and Hawaii eventually tired of the special work involved in creating long form copies, and went to push-a-button short form certificates, having entered the critical information from the long forms into a computer. My guess is that they have also microfilmed the originals for security. Stuff happens to paper records.

But the originals do exist, in a bound volume, as of the provision of the Obama LF.


PS. I know for a fact that Jesus Christ does not like lying so I am not lying.

You are, then, in reckless disregard of the truth.

  What I do know is that allah (aka Satan) is a liar and the father of lies.

"Allah" means, in Arabic, "The god," i.e., God. (So you are lying again. Arab Christians would *never* say what you just said. To make up and say about God what you do not know is culpable, and you imagine that your cries of "Lord, Lord!" will protect you. They won't. I have that on good authority.

That is why, you as an allah slave have no compunction at all about your blatant lies.

Point to one, I'm obligated to look at and consider your claim.

That is why Bin Laden has no compunction in lying to kill people.

Bin Laden claims to be a Muslim just as you claim to be a Christian, with about as much justification.

(Remember, you started this religious attack. This is your third post with religious attacks. I never initiate a personal attack but I will give as good as I take.)

You'd never consider turning the other cheek? That's eye for an eye, not the Christian practice. In fact, my unfortunate brother, you are full of hatred, quite like Bin Laden. Until you recognize this and repent, you are actually doomed. Perhaps you could ask Jesus for help, I fully trust that if you pray to the highest, sincerely seeking guidance, you will find help.

Do listen to the response you get to your prayer, and consider if it really is coming from Jesus or God. Jesus has a quite clear and recognizable personality, and, hint, he doesn't hate people. Satan hates people and loves to create enmity between them, and his voice is also recognizable, if you will pay attention. Satan speaks to you from a place you don't recognize, that's Qur'an. My gloss: it sounds like yourself. "He's a liar. Why, that's true. I'm right, and this must be from God, because it's right. Thanks, God, for confirming that I'm right."

In fact, for a real believer, the conversation is more likely to end with "Thanks, God, for showing me my errors."

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