Almost casually, buried in what appears to be a theoretical article, on p.
117 of the link forwarded by Alan Fletcher (, Takahashi describes a
reproduction of excess heat in a hybrid Ni-H system:

Now we refer some typical experimental data of heat evolution by H(D)-gas
loading with CNZ (Cu0.08Ni0.35/Zr0.57)
sample (Cu–Ni binary nano-particles dispersed into many ZrO2 flakes),
currently on-going at Kobe–Technova group
[18,19]. Heat production is endothermic for T < 200oC sample temperature,
but exothermic for T > 250oC and
heat-enhancing trend for higher temperature. At 300oC, they have observed
1–1.5 W/g-Ni level average heat by Hgas-
loading for a week of run continuously. The D-gas loading gave smaller
level heat power (0.2–0.3 W/g-Ni) also

I had missed this work completely ... there is so much going on, now, you
cannot keep up with it.


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