Congratulations, to our resident expert who studied under Feynman, who actually did not have discipline or smarts enough to actually graduate. But actually thinks he is somebody smart because he studied under Feynman. LOL....

Tell me O mighty one, what list rule have I actually violated to deserve banning. So, in your world, the person responding to an insult needs to be banned while the person that initially hurled the insult gets celebrated. So, you actually consider a precise calibrated response unjustified? The same level of insult for the precise level of insult thrown my way is unjustified? Is that what allah taught you?

What a twisted world you live in. No wonder you can't graduate from a simple engineering degree.


PS. If you still don't get it; this insult is a response to your insult. Get it? Ah... forget it. you're too dense to get it.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How bad is this news? Jed Rothwell -- Jaro Jaro announces intention to violate list rules

At 06:43 AM 12/5/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

I always say, I never start it, but I will finish it. An insult will be responded with an insult. A ridicule with a ridicule. This bias will be responded with bias from me.

From his other posts, "finish it" includes continuing the "response" long after other parties stopped. Above, he declares an intention to violate list rules, justified by the perceived violations of others.

If someone else consistently violates list rules, and does not respond to warning, banning is utterly appropriate, even necessary. Jaro Jaro knows what he's doing, and above he shows that it's deliberate. He merely considers it justified. "They did it, so I'll do it back." And he's shown that what he does back is taken to extremes, a slight perceived "insult" becomes a diatribe and an attempt to find whatever insult he can imagine; he typically attempts to outrage whatever group he thinks his "enemy" belongs to.

There is no redeeming value to his participation here.

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