Herein lies the problem Rob. You remain oblivious and biased to see the problem. That's why you fail to understand why it is a problem. People feel that they can freely and liberally insult a Christian without consequence. Try insulting a muslim and see how far you get. Try putting the islam crescent in a bowl of urine and call it art and see how much tolerance you will get. (For those of you who are uninformed, an artist received government grant money for his art. His art was a sculpture of a cross inside a big glass bowl which he filled with his own urine.)

Why shouldn't I take it personally? when my beliefs have been ridiculed, insulted, made fun of, called a fairy tale, and I have been told to go F*** myself and called a fanatic.

Would you be as tolerant if you suffered this level of abuse at every turn?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Dingemans" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How bad is this news? Jed Rothwell


On 5-12-2012 15:27, Vorl Bek wrote:
I seem to recall that Jojo has been called a 'bible fanatic' and
worse. Do you expect him to quietly put up with that kind of

What's wrong with calling somebody a "bible fanatic"?
It's just an opinion like any other and should not be treated as an insult.

Isn't it also the bible that says "turn the other cheek?"

Some people are taking things way much too personal, my advise please chill down and relax, it's not worth it. And as I said before stop "demanding" to get continuous childish attention.
Any good parent would ignore this undesired behaviour anway.

Kind regards,


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