Dear Abd,

we know the history; I think the solution is to answer strictly only those
messages of Jojo which refer to LENR and ignoring the toxic ones.
I am very worried why Bill Beaty does not answer
to the complaining colleagues.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

> I this post I review the early history of controversy involving Jojo Jaro
> on this list. Jojo began with clearly relevant postings on alternative
> energy research. That went on for some time, until May, 2012, when a
> problem appeared.
> Ultimately, this study leads to a clear example of what Jojo does. He
> imagines insult, then insults "back," initiating a cycle of insult,
> escalating. At the same time, he holds a series of strong beliefs,
> apparently not suscpetible to evidence or genuine discussion, on topics
> that are likely to be inflammatory if brought here (and just about anywhere
> on the internet, except for certain odd corners), and he readily drops
> these into discussions.
> At 04:46 AM 12/30/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
>> Yes, I stand corrected.
>> If calling for the open, transparent and proper accountability of his
>> qualifications is an insult, then yes, I've insulted Obama.
> I will separately address this in another post.
> I decided to look back and see if I could find the origin of Jojo's sense
> of Vortex and the Vortex community, so I reviewed the contributions of Jojo
> to this forum. Jojo has repeated claimed that he doesn't "start" insulting,
> but that others insult him, and he responds with insult.
> He made comments early on that could indicate a certain combativeness, but
> that is not unusual here. In a post, resent 26 Apr 2012 20:33:31 -0700, in
> which he complimented Jed Rothwell, he mentioned that he disagreed on
> "Darwinian Evolution." (By the way, source time confirms location in the
> Philippines, I think.)
> However, the post to which he was responding, apparently, did not mention
> "Darwinian Evolution," so this must have been a reference to some other
> post. Another list subscriber chimed in with some support for Jojo, but
> nobody started debating evolution.
> But on Fri, 25 May 2012 14:37:50 -0700 (resent time), Jojo sent an
> extensive post on "Darwinian Evolution."**
> Jojo might think that this post did not insult anyone. But it did. It was
> in response to a casual comment by James Bowery:
>  I hate to think what would have become of Newton or Darwin had they not
>> been
>> among the relatively independent British middle (yeoman) class.
> This comment is, in no way, propaganda for Darwinian Evolution. Yes, it
> assumes a certain importance to Darwin, but we need to understand this:
> that importance is a routinely accepted fact, tantamount to a belief, among
> most people interested in science. Were there some necessity to attack
> Darwinian evolution -- difficult to understand for Vortex-l -- okay. But
> there was not. The subject was not Darwinian Evolution.
> Jojo escalated, with a rant on Darwinian Evolution that connected it with
> *everyone who accepts Darwinian Evolution.* Read the post! Jojo knew that
> he was changing the subject. He knew that it would be highly controversial.
> He anticipated "shots." He implied that he'd not be responding.
> Resent Fri, 25 May 2012 16:05:54 -0700, Jojo wrote this:
>  I hesitated to post my original critique of Darwinian Evolution; and it
>> is the reason why I refrained from responding about Darwinian Evolution for
>> so long - that is; that I value this forum so much, that I do not want to
>> involve other topics in this forum other than Cold Fusion.  I wish people
>> would not use this forum for propaganda of their beliefs and then exclude
>> other points of view; just like what Parks, Huzienga, and others are doing
>> wrt to Hot fusion.
> However, he then proceeded to "challenge" Jed Rothwell, who had responded
> civilly to Jojo. However, Jed noted that Jojo was "ignorant." That kind of
> comment is typically taken by Jojo as an "insult." Rothwell promised to let
> Jojo have the last word. He kept that promise for that thread. The
> discusion of evolution continued a little, but other readers started to
> complain about off-topic.
> A thread on a cold fusion topic had been hijacked by the insertion of a
> discussion of "Darwinian Evolution," based not, as Jojo has often claimed,
> on "propaganda," but a mere reference to Darwin as a man with ideas that
> were not popular in his time, dicta. In the process, Jojo set up a
> *political argument.* Read the post!
> Then Jojo started a new thread, specifically on Darwinian Evolution,
> resent Sat, 26 May 2012 02:22:30 -0700.
> He did not keep to his intention. He continued to poke at Jed. Jed had
> answered, and indicated intention not to respond further, and had not
> responded further. Others had made small comments. Yet Jojo's post
> mentioned Jed five times, in addition to continuing to quote Jed's original
> response. The mentions were not complimentary.
> Jed Rothwell did not bite. However, James Bowery did, becoming incensed
> that Jojo apparently would not consider an experiment to distinguish
> between Intelligent Design and Darwinian Evolution. The interchange
> revealed clearly that this was a *religious* argument.
>  the incivility was quite what can be expected when people argue
> religion *without listening.* So now there was a reader who had "insulted"
> Jojo, though this was still somewhat within normal forum behavior. The
> topic, though, generated a lot of posts, and this was now heavily
> off-topic. Vortex-l allows limited off-topic discussion, and this was
> straying outside that.
> Dave Roberson, who is perhaps sympathetic to Jojo's view on Darwinian
> Evolution, objected to the uncivil comment, but also suggested that Jojo
> move the discussion elsewhere.
> In a post resent Sun, 27 May 2012 10:10:57 -0700, Jojo wrote:
>  This will be my last response to you.  You're welcome to have the last
>> word.
> Jojo, however, continued to respond in the thread. I jumped in with
> Ah, I do write lengthy posts! However, this did not insult Jojo, unless my
> pointing to his self-revelation in his post would be an insult. It wasn't.
> I took Jojo literally and looked at what his posts implied about him, and
> described it.
>  Just be aware, Jojo, that you are describing yourself, better and more
>> accurately than you are describing Jed, whom you do not really know.
> Jojo responded to me, resent Mon, 28 May 2012 02:47:05 -0700. He sought to
> move the discussion with me off list. He responded again, Tue, 29 May 2012
> 04:39:16 +0800
>  First you criticize me for "hijacking" this thread (which was not a
>> hijack because I was trying to draw a parallel and I renamed the thread.),
>> then you continue to criticize me for hijacking even though I have stopped
>> responding, then you continue to keep this topic alive even though I and
>> others have given it a rest.
> Here we can start to see a pattern. I had not "criticized" Jojo for
> hijacking the thread. The thread, regarding which I'd mentioned hijacking,
> was the *prior* thread. Jojo had renamed it (which was proper, but he left
> out the OT tag.) What I had done was to respond to a series of Jojo posts,
> not yet to the latest one. Now that I'd seen that, I responded Mon, 28 May
> 2012 21:16:16 -0400
>  Jojo, you make up fantasies about what shows in this record. Why would
>> I expect you'd have anything of substance to discuss elsewhere?
>> I did not criticize you for hijacking the thread. This is a great
>> example of meaning created in the mind of the reader.
> We were now discussing what happened on-list. Not Darwinian Evolution,
> about which we could argue forever. I declined Jojo's invitation to take it
> elsewhere. I indicated that I thought the dicussion was not likely to have
> value for me.
> (By the way, that could be considered my Favorite Debate Tactic, for
> on-line discussion, where there is a *complete and accurate record* of the
> discussion. It could be considered a test. If someone is going to firmly
> insist on allegations regarding the record, and neither verify them by
> reference to the record, nor acknowledge error -- or show alternative
> interpretation *that respects the record,* it's hopeless to imagine that we
> might come to agreement on difficult and abstract topics. As a "debate
> tactic," it establishes the lack of credibility of the other writer. I'd
> prefer they not do this. I don't like to "win debates" through the
> stupidity of the other. And this tactic can backfire in some contexts where
> people simply assume that anyone asserting a strong position will post
> false evidence. They take compilations of evidence as proof of obsession.
> That happens on Wikipedia.)
> Jojo replied, resent Mon, 28 May 2012 20:04:11 -0700
>  OK Whatever.  This will be my last response to you ever.  You are welcome
>> to have the last word and deliver some parting insult or snide remark.
>> No sense in arguing with Darwinian Evolution fanatics; who's only
>> interested in blaberring about things he does not know.  It's akin to
>> arguing with Parks regarding cold fusion.
> It's quite visible here how Jojo created a highly contentious discussion,
> then took offense when it was described dispassionately. He completely
> ignores what he did: perceive a criticism where there was only a
> description, and then solidify that perception as if it were a fact, which
> he will remember, as people often do when they do this, as a "fact." To be
> repeated and relied upon. It's a variation on what James Bowery saw and
> responded to. Not interested in *evidence*. I know what's true, and even if
> I can look at the evidence by just looking at my own email, I won't. Not
> needed. I already know the Truth (TM). This was guaranteed to end badly,
> unless Jojo wakes up, which doesn't happen very often.
> I did not respond again in that thread. Jojo did twice, tossing in claims
> likely to set off anyone with strong opinions about Bible archeology (what
> does this have to do with Darwinian Evolution, the subject?), Gnostic
> Christians, and just about anyone with knowledge or established opinion on
> a wide variety of topics, that happen to be topics that *often* lead to
> useless flame wars in internet fora. What's amazing is that relatively few
> readers took the bait. Jojo had the last word in the topic for over two
> months, when it was reawakened by Axil Axil.
> The last word in this topic was**
>  would doubtlessly not like that post, but it probably represents a
> very common view among Vorticians. He did not respond.
> But he continues to argue Darwinian Evolution, with claims that anyone who
> accepts it is naive, ignorant, and hoodwinked. Which is the large majority
> of us on this list. Yet he thinks he isn't insulting people!

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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