On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> NO!!! That is not the issue Cold fusion produces He4 without radiation.
***There have been some observances of radiation.  Not very much, but

> Hot fusion produces a mixture of energetic fragments of He.These are two
> entirely different processes producing different products. The name is only
> used to distinguish between the two different processes.
***I think I see where the difference lies.  Let's say we had a million
balloons all filled with air, and around those million balloons there is a
lattice of tinker toys such that each balloon is boxed in.  Now, in the
middle of all those balloons, you pop one of them.  Would you be able to
hear the explosion?  Probably not, because the emitted energy would be
absorbed by the lattice & other baloons.  Similarly, with billions of H
atoms trapped in Palladium lattices, when 2 of them fuse, the emitted
energy gets absorbed by the lattice.  That's how we end up with

But if you had a million balloons in a big room (with no tinker toy
lattice) and you exploded 50,000 of them at one time, would you hear the
explosion?  Yes.  The emitted energy would not be fully absorbed by the
surrounding matter, and indeed could even lead to further explosions &
emissions.  That's the difference between cold fusion (tinker toy lattice,
only very few fusion events) and hot fusion (no tinker toy lattice,
thousands of fusion events leading up to a large emission of energy).

Imposing the conclusions of hot fusion emitted energy onto cold fusion
emitted energy is where your observation loses its validity.

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