It is an interesting question as to what percentage of the yield of “Mike” – if 
any - was due to BEC formation within the large flask of liquid deuterium. For 
some reason, this possibility never occurred to me before now - but it seems 
possible if not likely.


Indeed, the extra yield from BECs could have been substantial. 


BTW – the statement that Maxwellian distribution prohibits room temperature 
BECs is probably false in a time denominated progression where only a small 
percentage is necessary for fusion. It’s all statistics. But the skeptics 
mis-framed the argument.


If BECs can form at all at room temperature - then at least for a useable 
portion of the population of deuterons, there should be transitory condensates 
of a few tens of molecules forming rapidly enough at room temperature for 
fusion - since the time required for fusion is extremely short. Even if only 10 
deuterons in 10 billion condense together at any picosecond, the statistics 
could be such that there should always be a useable population to fuse. 


This is above my pay grade, but I doubt seriously that MB distributions are 
prohibitory - IF the BEC will form at all at ambient. The logical error of 
skeptics here is the “all or nothing” error.


Don’t forget that D nuclei inside a palladium lattice at full loading and 300 K 
are closer together than when in the deuterons are in liquid form. 



From: David Roberson 


Low temperatures initially?  Too bad it did not remain that way. 


Actually, I was seeking evidence of a low energy reaction.  You did bring up an 
interesting point however.  How would you expect the BECs to influence the 
overall reaction in this particular case?  Could they have caused the yield to 
exceed expectations?  Would that also tend to generate nasty radioactive 
elements that do not normally occur in other designs?  We may be on to 
something that needs to be explored.


I am attempting to get a handle on the equivalent pressure that would be 
required to force Ds to be in the proximity that they find themselves within if 
they share a hole within a metal matrix.  This must be enormous compared to the 
density they exhibit at room temperature.  Add this elevated pressure and laser 
cooling, or other methods that reduce the relative motion between them and 
something interesting might result.


Then, of course there are random variations in the energy of Ds that naturally 
occur.  It makes me wonder if being trapped in a tiny cavity would tend to 
allow instantaneous cooling to occur under the right circumstances.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene 


This is why I ask whether or not fusion has been proven to occur with very low 
temperature deuterons.  I am not aware that anyone makes that claim and it 
would add support to the other theory if proven.



Yes – an early hydrogen bomb called “Mike” put millions of tons of 
radioactivity into the air in the fifties, creating untold numbers of health 
problems today - but that is probably not the answer you are looking for. 
Although the yield was surprising – so perhaps BECs were involved, come to 
think of it.


BTW – “Mike” used liquid deuterium in a large thermos as the main fuel - with a 
small fission trigger. No tritium was needed. The output was over 10 megatons 
of TNT – and that exceeded all of the explosives used in WW II, including the 
small fission bombs dropped on Japan - which were similar to Mike’s trigger. 


About 95% of Mike’s energy came from the fusion of liquid deuterium at very low 
temperature - initially :-)


Cough, cough…

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