I already have here up this thread

Sorry, the screening comes from polariton production by laser stimuli of

Read about it here


try also for an into


On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Joseph S. Barrera III <j...@barrera.org>wrote:

> On 5/3/2013 9:03 AM, Axil Axil wrote:
> > but the sub-atomic quasiparticle formed from the combination of light
> and electrons called a poloriton that carries the electric negative charge
> Can you give me references for these "poloritons"?
> Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the study of the interaction of photons
> and electrons. It is an extraordinarily accurate theory. In it, electrons
> and photons scatter. They do not form bound states like your poloritons.
> Conservation of energy and matter actually forbid a photon and an electron
> from forming a bound state. Or do your poloritons only exist in orbitals?
> In that case we normally call them just "electrons".
> - Joe

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