On Sun, 12 May 2013, Eugen Leitl wrote:

Which would be in violation of Rule 2, as well.

How about this part:

  "Note that "small-s skepticism" of the openminded sort is perfectly
  acceptable on Vortex-L.  We crackpots don't want to be *completely*
  self-deluding.  :)  The ban here is aimed at Debunkers; at "certain
  disbelief" and its self-superior and archly hostile results, and at the
  sort of "Skeptic" who angrily disbelieves all that is not solidly proved
  true, while carefully rejecting all new data and observations which
  conflict with the widely accepted theories of the time. "

But if you wish to adopt a prior stance of disbelief before investigation, and then become selective of evidence, and then permanently maintain your viewpoint against any changes whatsoever, and label this "being skeptical" ...that belongs on some other forum. Try JREF and others listed on my page at http://amasci.com/weird/wskept.html

This old essay on the scientific attitude hits it exactly:

  Keep your bead on the wire

Science is above all tentative. People with "sliding beads" regarding CF (etc.) are not debunkers. And debunkers are not scientists, debunkers are the police who know the law and who chase the bad guys. Who then decides whether a "crime" has been committed: who the bad guys are? That's the "judiciary." But the Skeptic community has none who can, for example, globally "write a law" after *extensive openminded investigation,* a law which declares that CF is True Bunk, and now sends the entire skeptic community down upon us. Or a "law" saying CF is still not settled and open to question, and all debunkers are "legally" required to leave those guys alone and go concentrate as usual on the ripoffs and the self-promotors of truely dangerous ignorance.

It seems that anything (to put it politely) is on-topic here but
a critical view on LENR.


I respond to complaints, and especially to large amounts of traffic coming from someone using a fake name. If you want to be devil's advocate, just don't be an avowed debunker, and please include a "sig" to let us see your CV etc. (Heh, I still haven't added a forum rule about the continuing problem of people who use fake names to avoid any need to "man up" and take personal responsibility. Too many need to use fake names for legit reasons.)

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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