Attn: spin doctors

Hope this is not belaboring the point about the intrinsic magnetic
connection that exists, and may in fact be causative - to a finding of gain
in LENR systems. Consider one further major point in the context of Steven
Jones' finding of an RF signature. 

Consider the field of NMR but in the context of RF. The importance of an RF
signal in NMR is not RF alone, but than an intense single resonant frequency
is seen, which is determined by the external field alignment of the nucleus.
The stronger the field the more robust the signal

OK backtracking to Steven Jones, and his slide showing an RF signal - we
must realize that because of the strong self-field of hydrogen (deuterium)
even the very weak magnetic field of earth is enough to see some signal but
only with hydrogen or deuterium.

See where this is heading? 

Connect the dots and we are looking at more than NMR, and more than LENR -
it is NMR in the context of LENR, as perhaps the driving force.

                For the various Spin Doctors on Vortex -  2.3. Magnetic
                After the cathode had been charged with deuterium for 48
hours at a current of 80 mA, the cell was placed in the field of a permanent
magnet of 200 Gauss strength. The cell electrolyte temperature rose to 5 ° C
(Fig.10.) after 230 seconds, After 576 seconds, the magnet was replaced by
two, one inch Neodymium magnets with a 800 Gauss field placed as described
earlier. The temperature immediately started increasing and reached 13.5 ° C
in about 15 minutes and remained constant. The temperature returned to 3.5 °
C when the magnet was removed.

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