Solar heating sets up a set of convection cells - very simplisticly ; air rises at the equator, falls at approx 30 N rises at 60 and falls at the poles. Without coriolis these would just go north-south. With corriolis they end up with a substantial Westerly component; see The energy that drives this system is solar radiation from the sun heating the earth and causing the convection currents, and it is this that blows ships and windmills.

But, you will then ask, what drives the 300 mile an hour winds on Jupiter which is so much further from the sun? It turns out that we dont really know, but it appears some people think that thermal energy from within the plant might be driving them.


On 09/02/2014 21:32, Bob Cook wrote:
Nigel and Hoyt--Bob here--
I would say the trade winds are a good example of the extraction of energy from the rotation of the Earth. Heat certainly is generated and Man has used these winds to cross the oceans for years. Nigel, what is the external body in the case of trade winds that is present for the extraction of energy from the Earth's rotation?
----- Original Message -----

    *From:* Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. <>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Sunday, February 09, 2014 11:15 AM
    *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:: RAR gravity engine

    You're undoubtedly right.  It makes me wonder if these simple
    newtonian problems from dynamics 101 can be so

    mind blowing, what's the chances of analyzing these bizarre
    non-linear maxwellian/relativistic/quantum mechanical kinds

    of problems.


    *From:*Nigel Dyer []
    *Sent:* Sunday, February 9, 2014 10:34 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:: RAR gravity engine

    As I found out some years ago when I spent a couple of months on
    this, whatever system you come up with, when you actually go
    through the maths it comes up with the same answer, and that is
    that you cannot extract energy from the rotation of the earth
    without reference to some external body.  You can come up with
    complicated systems that makes the maths more difficult (our
    gyroscopes on railway tracks travelling between the pole and the
    equator was particularly 'interesting' to analyse.  I'm not sure
    that 15 years later my brain is still up to it, that why I get my
    son to do it), and that is what may have happened with the RAR
    machine. Its complexity hides a mistake in the analysis of the
    forces and moments which made it appear that it was possible to
    extract energy from the earths magnetic field.


    On 09/02/2014 16:16, Hoyt A. Stearns Jr. wrote:

        But if the shell is instead constrained inside a straight
        tube, the tube would experience a lateral force and if allowed
        to move

        against an energy absorber, one could extract that energy.


        *From:*David Roberson []
        *Sent:* Sunday, February 9, 2014 8:35 AM
        *To:* <>
        *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:: RAR gravity engine

        You make an excellent point Nigel.   Even an artillery shell
        that has its apparent path diverted by the coriolis effect is
        not given extra energy from the earth, but instead travels in
        a free path.  The earth rotates out from beneath the original
        aim point.  A similar process must be happening to the air
        flowing due to wind.




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