Thanks Ed

My concept of the LENR reaction is a passive one. Yours is a more active

According to my current way of thinking, dipole vibration maintains the
separation of electron and proton in hydrogen. These separated electrons
are then sequestered and redirected  into the NAE (aka soliton) by
topological discontinuity in the lattice and become part of the polariton
ensemble inside the NAE.

The naked protons are then acted upon by the EMF based charge screening
effects of the NAE. With their coulomb repulsion completely removed, these
protons become attractive to each other and pair up based on their opposing
spins to form cooper pairs.

The next step is a group fusion process where these multiple cooper pairs
of protons fuse with a high Z element in a group fusion process in a zone
of almost complete charge screening.

For example, 8 protons (4 cooper pairs) might fuse with a nickel atom to
produce multiple light elements which might include multiple helium atoms.
The charge screening comes from the NAE. The ions that are to be fused are
all very close by the soliton and located in the solid boundaries of the
lattice defect. The very strong magnetic field coming from the NAE is the
coulomb barrier screening field. This magnetic field shines brightly on the
solid boundaries of the NAE where complete screening of the coulomb barrier

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Edmund Storms <>wrote:

> Axil, I hope you realize the Hydroton, which  I propose allows the fusion
> reaction to take place and dissipates the energy, involves resonance of
> electrons coupled to hydrogen atoms. I'm describing the structure in which
> the polariton would operate. So far you have not supplied this essential
> feature in your concept. No matter which mechanism is proposed, it MUST
> operate in a collection of hydrogen nuclei that form by normal chemical
> processes. That structure is the Hydroton. Once this structure is
> identified, several consequences result and many behaviors can be
> explained. You might consider how your idea relates the entire mechanism I
> propose.
> Ed Storms
> On Feb 10, 2014, at 5:50 AM, Axil Axil wrote:
> *Fusion by Pseudo-Particles Part 1 Past, Present and Future 
> *<,d.dmQ>
> I have come across a fellow traveler who can express the truth about the
> central role of the polariton in LENR and understands why this fact is so.

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