In reply to  David Roberson's message of Wed, 14 May 2014 18:18:23 -0400 (EDT):
>Much depends upon how the reaction energy is stored within the nucleus.  Does 
>anyone recall seeing good evidence that it is stored as spin energy of the 
>nucleons?  Large nuclei such as nickel likely have much of the energy hidden 
>within the distribution of the protons and neutrons that can take on different 
>forms.  Helium or deuteron are too simple to have these sinks as far as I 
>know.  I am not aware of the possible distributions and magnitudes of spin 
>energy storage but that dovetails nicely with our thoughts about interaction 
>with large magnetic fields.
Different combinations of spin states show up as excited states of the nucleus.
Usually these relax to the ground state in short order with emission of a gamma


Robin van Spaandonk

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